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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. More about running the offense at game speed for me. Seeing a live defense, etc. But I definitely see where you're coming from. Probably wouldn't matter. Hopefully we get Spring Game Maalik.
  2. This reads like aggy fan fiction, even if true.
  3. I’d take those 3 dudes over any WR on the team currently- including AD Mitchell. They could block their asses off too, unlike our current guys.
  4. Good thing we got our backup QB lots of useful snaps earlier in the season against lesser opponents. Oh.
  5. Acho was a locker room cancer during his time at Texas. Total opposite of his older brother.
  6. You can gamble on HS football? Damn that’s crazy.
  7. Put dipshit on ignore and your surly horns experience will vastly improve.
  8. Unfortunately it looks like the highest totals will be north of the Colorado River basin.
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