As Lurch said, those complaints about "online poker being rigged" or "seeing more bad beats online" are nothing new. This is due to a combination of a few factors:
1) People always think they're good at poker;
2) If you're used to playing live poker and transition to online, you've gone from seeing 25-27 hands per hour on average, to 80...per table. Many people play more than one table at a time. Heck, when I was grinding my hardest, I saw more hands online in one week than I'd see playing live 10 hours a day every day for a year.
3) People are looser with their chips online. When poker first started, people were betting with actual cash. Counting out bills and coins before making your decision caused more people to check or fold. Then poker chips were introduced, which made people looser with their bets and calls. And virtual chips make people even looser, so you see worse hands making it to showdown, and inevitably you see more "bad beats." What you don't see are all the people who have called down to the river and missed, and then fold to a river bet.
4) People only remember the hands they lose, not the ones they win. So they don't remember the 80% of the time they with with AA all in preflop versus KK, QQ, TT, etc, but they damn well sure tell everyone that they "always get sucked out on" because they lost once to JJ.
I've put in millions of hands online, have an extensive database, and all the numbers add up. Sure I go on some bad streaks, but I also go on some good streaks.
I think the most important thing to realize is that poker sites have no incentive to "rig" hands. In their perfect world, no one loses, everyone breaks even, and they just collect the rake. And on these apps out there, like PokerBros and pokerrrr2, the app itself is a play money app. They don't deal with real money games. All the real money games are privately run.