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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Indeed it was in Michigan. Where they enjoy the saltiest of waters.
  2. This was taken right before he walked out and you can still see empty seats
  3. You’ll be fine, just stay away from the quick trip gear and you’ll be good.
  4. I still have to buy a taco pizza when I’m back in Iowa, but I agree they are not as good as once was, but are still good enough.
  5. This looks fake as shit lol
  6. I was curious to see if they’d have a bunch of spam join now banner links on everything and was surprised to not see any. I went to Elon’s page to find the link and well, maybe they should have kept some engineers around…. 😂😂😂
  7. These are pretty tasty by themselves and also dip well in things:
  8. You got a link to this twitter drama? Can we help turn it into a bigger drama?
  9. From the Arizona rally, really gives you perspective on crowd size!
  10. I hadn’t really thought about it until just now, but I could totally see Trump agreeing to 3 to press Kamala to do the same, then doing the first one on Fox on his terms and bailing on the other 2 after that.
  11. Hilary did well in the debates, her losing wasn’t a reflection of her debate performance.
  12. I’m sure you can answer this yourself based on every other thing he’s ever said.
  13. I gave up about 15 minutes ago, it’s just nonsense rambling over and over.
  14. Yarn images don’t load for me either using an iPad or iPhone. If I click through and verify I’m human then they’ll load but only if I click on them first, and that usually only lasts for that day.
  15. I’m working and listening , but not really watching, can’t hear the questions, and his answers just have all these random non sequiturs that it’s hard to decipher what the actual question was lol.
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