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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Just stopping by to say fuck aggy.
  2. The way he was holding his putter he was one step over the putter from hitting this iconic celebration
  3. It was icehouse when we wanted to get more drunk, keystone light when it was a chill night. Occasionally a mad dog 20/20. We….. we’re young and dumb and had iron stomachs lol.
  4. Man, you are correct that the Cadillac ranch is dumbest shit possible to be forced to stop at. Even worse in the morning when the smell of cow shit is at its highest.
  5. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not wanting to buy a car that’s been sitting in a mud and grass field in Dallas while it rains every other day. And the buyers will never know. The cars, not the truck, I wouldn’t buy that pos truck with Jeff Bezos money.
  6. Milwaukees Best Ice is not for the novice beer drinker. All the Ice beers are terrible, but still, those $2.99 6 packs of icehouse tall boys were a staple in college.
  7. Southern brand has a hot honey one right now that’s pretty good too. Half the calories and fat of potato chips. It’s all relative though when talking snack foods to begin with.
  8. These are our go to for guacamole when eating low carb. For plain eating these are the best I’ve found. If you can find them.
  9. Oh you haven’t met her sister yet, Launderscorea?
  10. Since the topic was Arkansas, here’s their list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sundown_towns_in_Arkansas
  11. There is only one true art, and that is art airbrushed on the side of van.
  12. Stumbled across this citizen which has me considering buying and wearing a regular watch again instead of an Apple Watch. https://www.citizenwatch.com/us/en/product/CC4057-60E.html?cgid=mens
  13. I had a bike similar to this one as a kid in the 80s. The white tires were fucking boss.
  14. 100% not surprised beardip repped a Clay Travis screenshot. And poster not needing to be named his showing why half the board was happy he gets banned, stfu dude once in a while and let other people back your point, you hypersensitive thread bully.
  15. No but Clay Travis has.😬
  16. Dad was clearly doing it as some sort of fucked up punishment or psychological abuse, kid was not fat and needing to run it off. The articles go into more of the other abuse the kid suffered which sounded worse sadly.
  17. There was a cybertruck a few cars in front me tonight while driving my 8 year old son home from baseball, he sees it from the back seat and I hear “Dad, is that one of those new luxury box cars?” I tried not to laugh so he wouldn’t think I was laughing at him and I replied “well I wouldn’t say it’s luxury.” We then had a short talk about what it was for real and his observations of it which was that it was ugly and had no curves just straight lines.
  18. Didn’t those websites actually block us in Texas to challenge the law? I didn’t think Texas had actually blocked any porn sites themselves. Pornhub and the others are blocking our access to not have to do the things Texas is asking like verify id. The other sites just don’t care and kept running and if they do get a cease and desist I’m sure they and whatever country they actually exist in won’t give a fuck.
  19. “And then He asked to take the wheel, and I trusted him, and He steered us right into that pole!” —Trump supporter on the bus
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