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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Dude doesn’t even have a surly thread and we have threads about everyone. And the only ad I’ve seen from him is one where he sounded like a republican campaigning in a republican primary to be the parties nominee over Cruz, not the democratic challenger. I know the above comment is old but it’s funny considering where we are at and also the only posts I find about Alred are in the fucking Ted Cruz thread ffs. See above.
  2. Damn, where did you get pictures of YGIF’s Canadian girlfriend?
  3. this motherfucker stole my idea.
  4. Wait till he finds out about the Daily Texan cabal and its hidden agenda…
  5. Guys he didn't fuck a couch, he fucked an inside out latex glove shoved in a couch. Totally different and totally normal. The glove is what makes it no homo.....sectional.
  6. I’m working on a Dudes for Doug teams meeting. #We’reTrying
  7. Yep, they should be named and shamed for this kind of behavior. I don't understand how they even have money to pull this bullshit to begin with.
  8. nsfw language and behavior, Nashville seems like it sucks allowing this shit to happen
  9. You could even say that white woman stole that immigrants job…
  10. We started the re watch last night from episode 1
  11. Wife sent me one today I’ve never seen before, “Juzdify” 😂
  12. Just another loony tune right wing piece of shit…
  13. Ok so I went in Twitter and did some research on this “brat” thing and well I have no fucking idea still. Lime green is the color is all I got.
  14. Taft gave birth to quite a few burrito babies…
  15. Forced to pick between two people to run the country as president the next four years, no abstaining, no other choices: Ted Cruz or Donald Trump go
  16. What starts here, changes the world.
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