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Everything posted by Covri

  1. I thought the franks ones were a little too heavy on the vinegar smell/taste for my liking. My boy who likes salt and vinegar everything and franks red hot thought they were great.
  2. The google street view is for sure the tear down, you can see it’s a big modern McMansion in the aerial view, and if you want to the front of the new house it’s on Zillow. Of course it doesn't fit the neighborhood style at all.
  3. Oncor and the power to choose website has been better for utilities than when I lived in Austin for cost wise. I did laugh when they fucked up our auto draft and cut our service remotely the same day we got back from vacation and we had to stay in a hotel the night we got home. They cut it off that day at 5pm remote but said they couldn’t turn it back on until 8am the next day due to their policy. Even after admitting they were wrong. Shouldn’t need a hotel in Texas in November with no power but it was unseasonably warm shocker.
  4. and handled fairly well with a little fluster going back to earlier questions that guy was re hashing
  5. Biden wasn’t supposed to ask this guy and he asked about his ability to run and Biden stutters answering, I think that shows he’s better at answering but this are you weak questioning his causing the majority of flubs and he’s not young enough to fight back always.
  6. Where y’all at ?
  7. I’m turning back to ridin with Biden again. I have a nephew with a stutter problem and he’s smart as shit, but sometimes flubs his answers on the spot. He has certain things that trigger it more than others like calling his name to speak unprepared . If you don’t say his name he’s better at handling it. Joe here seems to have a trigger about stepping down.
  8. Yeah I usually just ignore the set up and focus on when they say so my question is…
  9. If you lose will the US still support Europe? That question ?
  10. I’m on board with moving on to Harris now.
  11. He’s about to pull his ace in the sleeve, legalize weed! /please
  12. Calling it now, Joe Biden gets up there and announces he’s handling the presidency over to Jill. Can he do that? Probably not. Does he know that? Also probably not.
  13. Besides power what are people bitching about? I’m sure there’s issues with other essential supplies. Is everyone able to find gas/ diesel if they need it? I know the taps work but we all saw the empty bottled water shelves last week, are they back in stock? Have to ask about TP too these days since people apparently panic shit more? I heard refrigerated items were hard to come buy at some stores. But is there other things lost on the mass frustration of no electricity in the heat? I know a guy who found and bought a generator Tuesday which surprised me a little.
  14. Found them! 👇
  15. Black horse is not that carrier in Texas, Aldi is not the player in Texas. I’ll leave it at that.
  16. Trucks are moving. The fuel issue is not supply its power at the pumps. You’re not taking from the vast majority in the area with diesel verses unleaded. Your rates were too high or they didn’t need your supplies. H‑E‑B is also usual slow to react based on how their inventory is managed (slow as in asking at 4pm instead of 8am). Also they’re busy with their suppliers and not looking to grow a trucking company. Asking for special favors to DH back is how you get a no and a non response as well.
  17. It's pretty funny tho if you've seen a bunch of those videos they're lampooning.
  18. Have none of y’all ever used a hot dog to scoop up a bite of potato salad? Or baked beans. Even both at the same time? L-I-V-I-N
  19. Probably got cheaper rates on twitter
  20. Every time I see this thread title I hear Morbo yelling Doooooom
  21. I usually keep two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls in my go bag.
  22. Yep, both only use 1 ball.
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