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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. How dare you besmirch the good doctor's name by calling him a kid!
  2. No, I don't think we will, cuckTheNaughty
  3. Brisket, I’m not touching this post with Lobo’s ten foot pole
  4. I think he must have lost it too after Torb! Because they cut away until he hits the same note with Sloar! Rick Moranis does have great comedic delivery and timing as well.
  5. Straight from your source, rent going up above average in previous years which historically affects lower income folks more.
  6. Sign looking like it about to dance like Usher
  7. I have family that farms in Iowa and can confirm. If you even bring up farm subsidies in front of them….
  8. So if it turns out Nex committed suicide after that incident and months of previous bullying, you’re ok with it and the bullies having their identity protected? Because the physical fight was not the specific cause? Debates are going on all around your posts and people have even engaged you in some debate knowing you’re not arguing in good faith, and you still think it’s an echo chamber?
  9. You should hang out get to to know the place. Don’t run away because you came in blazing with some shitty hot takes and got called on it. The funniest shit on the board goes down in the CR. Sometimes at the expense of posters like you, but hey, I still get to laugh!
  10. Covri


    I’d never heard her talk before, she’s truly awful. And dumb as a box of rocks.
  11. Damn I didn’t realize she used to be married to Tony Gonzalez and they had a son together. She looks completely different now.
  12. So so so hard to hit the add file button which brings up your photo library. Why can't they make it easier! TAPA users probably still using aol discs to log onto the World Wide Web.
  13. GMC 10 out of 10 is the bigger douche here
  14. Have y’all seen the prices CVS charges for items in their stores? Buy one get one deals still more expensive then anywhere else. Plus they’re actively ruining healthcare through their monopolistic pharmacy and health care insurance (they own Aetna) plans. So I’m not saying people should steal deodorant from them…. but I understand.
  15. It’s what happens after the frito pie has been consumed and they keys passed out from the bowl.
  16. Oh sure it’s empowering when she holds a giant black dildo in the air, but when I do it it’s “weird” and “not appropriate at Chuck E. Cheese.”
  17. They are awful. My wife claims she like them in the 90’s so she let my boys try them and they both refused to finish them, and they love pizza. The entire lunchable line is pure garbage these days. Cheapest everything possible. We buy our kids Kroger simple truth versions and they eat them all the time, but anytime it’s a lunchable brand they say they taste weird. I’ve had the ones they eat and they’re fine. Lunchables are the bar s hot dog brand of meat cheese and crackers.
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