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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Bob Dole talk not going away. /Bob Dole!
  2. I've driven by that church a thousand times and while it's big, it's not that big compared to size of the other mega churches in the area. And $75 was the early bird price? Must not be selling very well... well I checked and the conference is sold out, but not the movie event the night before in Grapevine with Jim. They'll pay to hear him talk but having to watch his movies crosses the line lol.
  3. The real question is how many of you are picturing a river runs through it in your head instead of legends of the fall.
  4. Saw this driving the other day, these two should become friends.
  5. People don’t wave anymore as a courtesy sign or respect when you let them in or pull over on a residential street to let them pass parked cars first. I do the wave and they don’t even wave back anymore. Like fuck you too I’m trying to acknowledge you being a slightly decent person and it’s too hard for you to acknowledge back? I’m sure I’m not the first to say this on this thread, but I’m around 1 for 50 over the last couple months of wave acknowledgement and it’s making me surly.
  6. Just saying this could be 2025….
  7. @Brisketexan Are there any surly members at your Frito pie key party already? Can we get a contest going for next year to send one lucky winner?
  8. You got every song redone as Taylor’s version. Now she’s back with a new album coming out from that breakup lol.
  9. “ I only spent $400…. ok $700…. also I hired staff”
  10. Welp, it was fun while it lasted, Texans fans.
  11. Didn’t know this about that the filling station, thought it was a one off place on Barton springs, pretty cool.
  12. Remember your trigger discipline! — Fatty
  13. Taylor is nowhere near as hot as my girlfriend who totally goes to a different high school. We met at Niagara Falls and i don’t even watch the NFL or Swift concerts cause I’m too busy finger blasting her.
  14. It is and the timing of the drop being late I figured I’d share it now in it’s own thread. Strong “We’re Texas” vibes
  15. What kind of shitty OP starts a thread and lists 40 movies in the first 20 posts? Change your avatar you don’t deserve that Snatch reference lol.
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