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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Looks like 27% of men need to get some khaki chinos, a cheap black tshirt, black pumas, and $17 silver chain from Amazon. 18” Cuban link, untucked.
  2. Googled this meme and the saying is attributed to Jim Treacher (not real name of course) a blogger for The Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s website. Good to know what parts of the internet you hang out on to come across this “meme.”
  3. Shorted my creamy pepper sauce at Whataburger? Get over it. Falsely arrested and a night in jail. Lawyer up and sue.
  4. Only when the fried cheese curds get involved.
  5. Just get over being falsely detained/arrested/spending a night in jail because the cops realized they couldn’t continue their bullshit anymore. Just an inexplicably stupid take.
  6. I am picturing the airline outside the terminal spraying water at the windows claiming rain every time there is a delay.
  7. Trained to charge into a crowd of innocent bystanders on sixth street mardi gras weekend 2001 setting off a riot they used to justify canceling of Fat Tuesday parade/celebrations. And basically ending actual sanctioned Mardi Gras activities on sixth going forward.
  8. Guys it’s pretty straight forward, drink you about 24 spotted cows and a dozen brandy old fashioneds and then get on your snow mobile and tell me what you see. Boom that’s how they label the roads.
  9. I see this too, but it’s not young drivers, usually middle aged to olds doing the up down speed and catching up when they get passed only to slow again while I’m using my ACC to maintain same speed the whole time. Exactly people pedal driving are missing out on the benefits of ACC I can keep an eye on it and lane change when available to maintain speed in loose traffic, or it can slow me down in heavier traffic so someone like Hank can weave in and out causing the slow down he claims he’s avoiding.
  10. I was just trying to say we’re not as rich and as assholeish as the southlakes of the world lol, never said we didn’t have our share of crazies…
  11. I do have some more insight into it but it’s honestly not worth it. Mike mike and his brother and his family said it happened and I’m gonna leave it at that. There were lots of rumors of ulterior motives behind the move though. I will say this I watched him play in elementary school and he was always the best athlete on the field. My kids play sports in Allen and I will say that football and basketball are more diverse than baseball at the youth level. Allen as a whole seems more diverse than those other places. Maybe it’s just what I’m around though.
  12. Don’t fucking lump in Allen with Southlake. Lucas or Prosper though have at it.
  13. I know right? It’s supposed to be “fuck me pumps” and these humbdolts can’t even get that right!
  14. When Trump dies I expect a spontaneous outpouring into the streets to celebrate just like when OBL was killed.
  15. Sunday morning it loaded street fights and someone getting their dick sucked on a subway platform . Some other uncensored nudity too. I was just trying to find out the basketball and boxing highlights the night before on my feed lol.
  16. Back when actual twitter users were the top replies and not Elon’s bots selling dick pills and frog memes sucking DJT dick
  17. It’s the only way to post
  18. You'll carry the title as “Next Derka” well young ztejas, honor his memory and continue his legacy. Let us know in the steel shank thread your best hot dog creations. Omnia omnibus Z.
  19. But when you moved here and helped write the constitution we’d think you’d remember!
  20. And you call yourself a Texan…. It’s right there in the Texas constitution, article 20, about going to Colorado and telling the locals you’re from The Great State of Texas.
  21. I figured out the hate, Al's always talking shit to big women at the shoe store and we all know Vic loves him some big women.
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