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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. These are pretty good too, heat seemed a little hotter than other brands
  2. I’m actually not a fan of cracklins, I almost added that the 4505 brand is probably the lightest pork rind out there with almost no hard pieces at all in the bag. I know some like the cracklins mixed in with the puffier pieces though. These are good if you’re into the ones that could chip a tooth lol.
  3. Those are good, and they pair well with guacamole. These however are the best ones I’ve found to eat by themselves.
  4. What the hell are these wooden boards on strings for?
  5. That’s how you PAC 2 football!
  6. Literally fuck Tommy Tuberville, what a piece of shit.
  7. 11 hours drive time, 3 hours mandated breaks and dwell time. So 14 hour work days and then 10 hours downtime. CDL drivers have drug and alcohol issues too, the recently created national clearinghouse has something like a 10% reapplication rate for drivers to try and get back in, so 90% just say fuck it and find some other job without as strict drug and alcohol testing. Let that sink in.
  8. The lead off with DC Draino has made laugh more than once today
  9. So Mike Johnson recessed early this week, only what 8-10 days from shutdown? So he could fly to France for some ultra right wing conference? This is our new speaker of the house? A hitler looking no bank account claiming ultra right wing fake Baptist preacher?
  10. Did you just summon Beyoncé's fanbase to this as well?!??1
  11. You think my crowd really enjoys ketchup on any of that? Lol
  12. Fentanyl is being found in a lot of drugs these days, at alarming amounts. Not to even get into the fentanyl pills out there.
  13. Is this a bit or are you seriously asking questions?
  14. Honestly don’t know which republican candidate you’re talking about.
  15. Yes we need more military spending…
  16. Rise of anti-semitism? Oh you mean by the MAGA types you are currently courting? Clown show.
  17. Vivek is such a tool. That is all.
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