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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. I was joking because I thought you meant pay cut not payout.
  2. I deleted my post a couple seconds after I made it because I decided it sounded mean. You do you.
  3. Let’s go ahead and call a spade a spade (no racist) /optics
  4. Slorch always looking for the hard way, dragging a city trash can through the house and up the stairs. Could have just put his favorite thing (phone, tablet, laptop, etc) in the trash can and let him know he needed to retrieve them before trash pickup. Work smarter, not harder, as they say in the biz.
  5. Broadcast came back from the half saying he wasn’t feeling well which may of may not have come from Arthur Smith, I didn’t hear them say he was the source, but others reporting it that way.
  6. Fox has way too much graphics shit going on, the scoreboard is blocking a quarter of the screen ffs.
  7. Austin Scott? The dude from the cnn clip? Never have I seen a more punchable face.
  8. Ain't nothing deep about photoshopping a dong on MTG, Frank.
  9. Middle class? You mean those of us making between 250k-500k as a family? --- surly third basers
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