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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. What the fuck does Iceland have to do with this discussion?
  2. Covri


    Enterprise is coming back, just like before not all are named for presidents but some are and will be:
  4. Absolutely perfect representation of a sooner in the wild, well done cabowabo. 😂
  5. I still remember the first time I saw this episode, the rest after the Waffle House open was fine, but the Waffle House experience being ranked up there with Michelin star restaurants was something too true and funny to ever forget. The hash brown talk of finding your own balance is one of the truest things ever in food.
  6. Yes, but where does Heidi Cruz fit into all this? *Great Day
  7. “It’s a mean place, where they ask you to explain/ defend your position! That’s why I don’t go there. Anyways what’s wrong with the weather is all the stupid libs!” —DT poster
  8. Favorite bond? Complex with proximity mines.
  9. Oh of course, and am still an expert at popping off screens too. I just always chuckled at the idea that we’d somehow get in less trouble if we were forced to roam the neighborhood. But hey kept the living room cleaner so I’m sure our parents weighed that risk/reward.
  10. They’ll take away your key so you have to wait outside!
  11. I don't know why y'all think this changes anything, they can still wheel her into office and use her hand to press buttons just like before.
  12. The QB recruit got better as a RB than the RB recruit has yet, you don't say. RoJo deserves all the credit for what he did and the plays he was counted on to make happen. Again no need to downplay him to hype Brooks. This is fucking stupid to even have to say in a thread devoted to a different player.
  13. First of all no need to downplay RoJo to hype JB. That said you're wrong and wrong and I'm a huge JB fan.
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