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Everything posted by Covri

  1. This sounds crazy, so y’all were in high school went out drinking in a field, all normal to this point, but then some went hunting with guns to kill a deer, field dress and butcher, and then cooked it all in the same night? Did they even season or do anything with the meat? What about all the leftover parts?
  2. Purchased the Texas shaped heb tortilla chips to serve family and friends not from Texas.
  3. All the Blue Chew ads offer a counter balance to the Chinese knock off gadgets. Twitter really knows what its users want!
  4. Lol yeah me too, I made that comment because it's one of the most famous of their memes with Sex Cannon and all the phillip rivers stuff, and when I googled it found out they started a new blog. It and deadspin were the places to be 10-15 years ago for nfl/sports content. PFT commentator taking his schtick to barstool is the only reason I still semi follow barstool today.
  5. /Door flies open
  6. Covri


    There are three levels of starch and your uncle just didn't want to do the actual heavy starch. None, light/regular, and heavy. Heavy was an extra cycle of starch and the jeans wouldn't even lay over the hanger flat, they curled over it. Popular amongst welders and ranch folk as they basically were rock hard. Shirts could do all three as well but the type of shirt affected the starch hold more than the amount. I'd have them wash mine again if they accidentally got in a heavy starch load because it was uncomfortable as fuck. On the dry cleaning side there's "sizing" and they can use extra of that too if you ask. It's less noticeable but can help or hurt. We'd get no sizing requests too but I doubt most people can tell the difference between none and normal. source: ten years in the business when I was younger.
  7. Best fast food jalapeño poppers too.
  8. I agree that Indiana jones is more adventure than action. Also alien is sci-fi horror more than action. Both great franchises. Die hard is iconic. T2 might be the pinnacle of action movies because it hit with so much hype and surpassed it. As mentioned earlier it has so many scenes that are memorable and groundbreaking its way up there. Fury road is one of the few movies that got my heart racing with that opening chase, it’s perfect. Matrix training scene might be the best introduction of next generation CGI ever but so many movies including the sequels took it too far. Crouching tiger holds up better with the cable acrobatics versus cgi. What I can’t get on board with is the predator slander. That movie is awesome. It starts out like other Vietnam/ Korean War film but has an elite group of badasses instead of draftees. They go into the jungle and quickly find out this isn’t normal and all the badasses get taken out as the movie goes on. Then Arnold goes Arnold. Fuck outa here it’s generic in anyway. TRUE LIES is the best Arnold movie imo though.
  9. My 2015 (rip) and now 2018 F150s both kick out fairly cold air in the rear vents and enough to cool the cabin down fast enough for the 2 boys. But if it’s not fast enough for them then I just tell ‘em it builds character. My seat is air cooled so I’m good either way.
  10. It’s me. He’s asking for me.
  11. The titanic came out retirement like Tom Brady to pad its stats
  12. “I saw a tiktok video” has to become a surly meme for all eternity
  13. This thread has everything
  14. I might have missed it in all the posts, but had this "submarine" made this decent and return before? Or was this its first attempt?
  15. I’ve actually developed a similar submarine for solo excursions that can be had for only 199k! No more sharing the toilet on your way down!
  16. Guess who Fox News brought on to give his opinion on Garth Brooks. I know we've all been sitting around saying you know whose opinion I want to hear, the copy guy. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/rob-schneider-weighs-in-garth-brooks-bud-light-drama
  17. Randy Newman seems like he’d be a better fit for this story.
  18. That's more steps than just pasting as plain text which should be the default anyways.
  19. Jo Koy has some funny standup specials on Netflix, the most recent one in 2022 was probably the hardest I’ve laughed in years.
  20. It's spelled Mac, you jabroni
  21. Would you argue with her? She'd probably beat you with that bag for back talking her.
  22. Dammit I bump this thread up after two days of no activity and get one upped instantly. Knew I should have thrown the left over Mac and cheese on those tacos lol.
  23. Decided to keep it simple, that's leftover brisket and sausage from Hutchins bbq chopped up and reheated with their bbq sauce. Served over a bed of shredded cheese on a toasted tortilla. I thought about adding pickles/onions/japs but that's how I'd been eating the rest of it all week. Pretty tasty.
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