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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Covri

    NFL Week 5

    The thing that makes it worse is Jarrett wrapped him and held him so as not to fling him to the ground, was about the safest way he could have made that tackle. Jarrett could have let go half way through and really flung Brady to the ground, but he didn't and still got called for it. It's bullshit.
  2. C word is a harsh label, but she's earned it enough times that it applies. I'm not sure what the male equivalent really is, but it applies to a lot of male republicans. These fringe people existed before trump I know, but the media and party leaders didn't give them as much credence and air time back then. Now they do. At this rate we will be in a real civil war within a few years, and the ones planting the seed of violence will profit from it which is their end game. What I can't come to grips with still is how someone can be so angry and vitriol towards people they don't know and don't interact with. And then vote about it based on ignorance and media taking points. While again not actually interacting with these people. And at the same time ignoring all the shitty things the people they voted for do/did.
  3. Covri

    NFL Week 5

    Fuck Tom Brady
  4. FUCK OU! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
  5. I finally got a chance to read the first article OP posted and the shit about needing IPAs to wash the taste of the macro brews out their mouth was some obnoxious shit. People like different types of beer, who gives a shit, no one beer type is superior to another. Except for iced beers, that shit is gross lol.
  6. When I was in high school/college you could get a six pack of tall boys of ice house for $2.99 plus tax. Beer wasn't great but that sixer and a couple joints/bowls/blunts of the finest brick weed made for a pretty entertaining night.
  7. Right....... How much did you pay the aggy to bork the site during TEXAS-OU rivalry week and play dumb? $35k for a days work?!?!?? Our gifs and mspaints won't stop!!!!!
  8. I like how that breakfast bowl doesn't offer anything they didn't have before. It's basically, here's our main breakfast items piled in a bowl covered in gravy, shovel it in your mouth, fatty. I'd too would like mine ranchero style with grilled japs but with gravy still on top lol
  9. If they are saltines like the ones my wife paid $5 for at market street in that same little container you can make them at home for a fraction of the cost and fresh with whatever seasonings you want. There are bake and no bake methods for them. Just google flavored saltines recipes.
  10. This type of thread is one of the reasons why I don't tell people about this place. They can find Shaggy for themselves and decide for themselves. /not calling it surly amongst shaggy peeps
  11. My favorite part about this thread is that TwiceHorn gets all this leeway and respect for telling us all to be patient and the courts will prevail because the justice system works in regards to DJT's many illegals activities. And also randomly shits on the government being liars and corrupted in said court proceedings he's been involved with them and has no faith in them. It's quite fascinating really...
  12. Those Nancy boys who like to eat 2 tostados cut up into 8 individual triangle pieces that don't touch and call them "nachos."
  13. Covri

    97.1 The Freak

    Oh I just meant you could say about the majority of posters and posts on this site lol
  14. Doesn't fox have all its programming on Hulu?
  15. Covri

    97.1 The Freak

    Maybe we should have a Surly Fight Night and some of y'all can work out your differences with 16 oz gloves and a bunch of ice cold Coronas. New surly motto? 😂
  16. Why not just order a #4? You like paying extra to be difficult?
  17. Covri

    97.1 The Freak

    Falconry talk not going away
  18. Covri

    97.1 The Freak

  19. Covri

    97.1 The Freak

  20. Ritz crackers, reheated bbq pulled pork, pickle or jalapeño slice, easy cheddar cheese.
  21. If Venables were an ice cream flavor, he’d be pralines and dick.
  22. What I cant help but wonder is if that's how Abbott performs under the lights on tv, imagine how insufferable and whiny he is to work with behind closed doors. Probably rolls over people's feet on purpose when he gets upset.
  23. I watched and enjoyed it but after a few months of him doing it from home during Covid I lost interest. The lack of audience made it feel less engaging and also the constant talk about Covid and and politics while being stuck at home had me looking elsewhere for entertainment. I've watched a handful of shows since he want back to the studio but most of the time I had never heard of the guest and it affected interest. Funny thing is that I'd watched part of a couple episodes this week and was thinking about adding back into the routine and then I saw the news on twitter.
  24. Abbot saying Beto's name Bet-O is pretty weird Yeah and he sounds like he's saying Beto wrong on purpose
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