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Everything posted by Covri

  1. It's the way he comes sauntering up to asses the situation like a real bonafide sheriff law dog.
  2. No mater the game or teams involved, TEXAS always on their mind. /rentfree
  3. Speaking of Twitter it used it launch into the app when you clicked on a Twitter embedd and then sometime in the last year it started launching into the web browser version and it's annoying. I assume it's twitter or apple and not here but surprised it still hasn't been fixed.
  4. But they do all have a bag of Jew gold they wear around their neck.
  5. Video is so old that I'm sure dude in red is more embarrassed by his baggy jeans than his mediocre fighting stance and skills against a wannabe gangsta.
  6. I suspect that the gravy is there to warm everything else back up because having all these items hot and fresh at the same time but then just throwing them all in a bowl together covered in hot gravy seems like an odd choice. I may still try it at some point but each time it gets brought up on this thread it sounds less and less appealing than when it was announced.
  7. Getting a thing of the creamy pepper sauce to dip your onion rings in is probably the best fast food side out there. Fries and white gravy is up there though.
  8. Was in Colorado Springs back in July we did the pikes rail line to the top that was cool even though fog rolled and blocked the view. There is a spot in town that has a whole ton of old Timey arcade games and rides so we did that for a few hours to kill time before the ride up to pikes Peak. We did garden of the gods that was cool various trails to walk or you can just drive around. We did the zoo only took the morning since we got there right when they opened and then did lunch at this place nearby, was pretty good Neapolitan pizza imo ducaspizza.com. We didn’t end up doing royal gorge but some of my family did and they liked it. If you have small kids There is a year-round Santa’s workshop that has a bunch of rides that were surprisingly fun for the kids in the middle of the summer weather was nice and it’s a bunch of like kids rides basically. We drove through the Air Force Academy but the chapel was blocked by the scaffolding as mentioned above but even driving around the Grounds was pretty cool. The best thing about being in Colorado at the end of July was the weather so sometimes we just sat outside and enjoyed not sweating the whole time lol. Might be different this time of year.
  9. Best trilogy ever
  10. Its been said a million times but the party of small government and individual rights is the exact fucking opposite of that.
  11. Do it dude, just choke them all out, you know you want to...
  12. Replace the mustard with creamy pepper sauce and have a chilli cheese patty melt. I think I read locations in central TEXAS got an early preview but not exactly sure when it'll roll out across the state.
  13. After catching up I'm not even sure which of the dumbass tweets showing Trump blaming the national archives I made this in response to so I'm just going to post it and move on. IMG_0139.MOV
  14. https://stories.whataburger.com/comfort-food-on-a-bun-the-all-new-whataburger-chili-cheese-burger/
  15. So like girl on girl nudity or what? 😁
  16. Covri

    NFL Week 5

    The thing that makes it worse is Jarrett wrapped him and held him so as not to fling him to the ground, was about the safest way he could have made that tackle. Jarrett could have let go half way through and really flung Brady to the ground, but he didn't and still got called for it. It's bullshit.
  17. C word is a harsh label, but she's earned it enough times that it applies. I'm not sure what the male equivalent really is, but it applies to a lot of male republicans. These fringe people existed before trump I know, but the media and party leaders didn't give them as much credence and air time back then. Now they do. At this rate we will be in a real civil war within a few years, and the ones planting the seed of violence will profit from it which is their end game. What I can't come to grips with still is how someone can be so angry and vitriol towards people they don't know and don't interact with. And then vote about it based on ignorance and media taking points. While again not actually interacting with these people. And at the same time ignoring all the shitty things the people they voted for do/did.
  18. Covri

    NFL Week 5

    Fuck Tom Brady
  19. FUCK OU! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
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