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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Not going to say it was planned for today, but having a 10 day plan start on a Thursday and end with the funeral landing on a Saturday is the best timeline they could ask for.
  2. A couple hot dog variations from leftovers from Saturday. Had some groceries delivered and they brought large tortillas. That’s a bun length hot dog for scale lol. Cheese hot dog mustard mopping sauce and honey bbq corn chips. Cheese quesadilla with hot dog chili powder and taco casa hot sauce
  3. BBC just announced her death
  4. The only correct answer is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
  5. Oh for sure, my company has definitely paid for it when they've done that shit and lay off senior people by forcing early retirement (and they have in a couple different ways over the last five years). Which is why loyalty and longevity and working hard won't get you a gold watch anymore. And why younger workers are not loyal and job hop more often as a means to get ahead.
  6. The end to your story is exactly what younger people are using to point out that it's not like it once was. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you got laid off from that company in the last year and are now looking for new work? All that hard work and effort and time spent ended up being just another number on a spreadsheet.
  7. I also choose Slorch's mom.
  8. Going to need a ruling, can I call all "Texas morons" "aggy" instead even if they are not actual aggy or is that offensive to Texas morons?
  9. This is my question too, because I'm pretty sure I'd eat a fried piece of cardboard if it was drenched in their Cajun sauce and dipped in their blue cheese lol. The chicken sandwich doesn't even look impressive in their pictures closer to value menu chicken sandwiches versus the premium ones.
  10. 30 days since Trumps gold leaf shit box got raided by the FBI and nothing has happened. Oh wait something did happen, he got one of his judge appointments to grant him special privileges. Shocker!
  11. TwiceHorn keeps telling us to wait and see and argues in good faith based on his interpretations of the law and doesn't want to give into that Trump has never been held accountable to any law and won't be held to any standards or precedent that has been set regardless. And even if the DOJ or anyone else makes it through all the bullshit ways the law can be delayed/interpreted and manages to bring ol' Donny to justice he'll still avoid any actually consequences of his actions (or his supporters) and nobody will give a shit either way.
  12. My wife came home from dropping the boy off and said she forgot he was supposed to wear maroon today in honor of the Uvalde kids and felt bad. And my first response was does he even own anything maroon? Second was, what's the point? So the people who won't make any changes to gun control laws or leadership in Texas can feel like they did something? It's basically a Facebook profile picture filter. Useless.
  13. People that don't hug the curb when parking on an end spot like do make me irrationally surly. Even worse when it's a right curb so you know they have to open their door towards your vehicle to get in. All that wasted space...
  14. It might have been grayscale I dunno he just looked worse I thought than even the previous episodes implied. I also get the 1 vs 100 talk being a bit over the top but it's clearly there to set Daemon up as the bad ass who went medieval John Wick on the crabfeeder versus his brother the king who took three tries to kill a held down buck.
  15. I say "look kids Big Ben Parliment" anytime we road trip anywhere completely out of context. Kids don't get it yet, but the wife laughs.
  16. Crab fucker was clearly a half burned feeble fucking dude, you wanted to see a fight play out with him? It was actually cooler Daemon ran in the cave and came back out with a part of his upper body only.
  17. I'd take a team of all RoJos at every position. We'd go 15-0
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