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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Covri

  1. 11 minutes ago, Shaddie said:


    Thanks for the heads up on Kelly farms. Had the double bacon and the meat has a very good beefy flavor. Got some of their hamburger meat for tacos and nachos tomorrow. 

    Nice. I had it last night as well. Double meat cheese bacon jalapeños grilled onions mayo and mustard. It was great. 

  2. Rhubarb pie is the goat IMO but it’s seasonality keeps it off a lot people’s radar.  

    Best apple pie I’ve had in a long time was the apple pie I bought at Schobel’s in Columbus Texas about 5 years ago. Pic is from google.





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  3. 5 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Ironically I'd put El Arroyo's cheeseburger up there against any in Austin.


    4 hours ago, UTPhil2006 said:

    Interesting.  Will have to try

    Maudies used to have a pretty dang good burger too with really good fries back in the day. Good value as well, but I haven’t had it in 10 years or more so couldn’t say it’s still the same. 

  4. All I got from that article is I’m not going to random local bbq places the day after they are closed. Friday to Sunday I guess from now on. Hard eights in Coppell being the exception since no one is working in all those warehouses and offices over the weekend.



  5. 1 minute ago, ButtFumble said:

    you know Sark is not going to get it

    his blood is a higher concentration of alcohol than most sanitizers on the market

    I’m all for funny jokes at coaches expense, but that dude is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for awhile now. At least he was with the Falcons. May want to lay off the sark after dark and let him be  sark on the wagon from now on. Unless of course he isn’t sober anymore and I missed that. 


    20 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

    Oh, i did.  The guy trying to make money off of the BLm movement by replacing Aunt Jemima.  I'm aware of his "great" ideas.

    LMAO Master P made it 20+ years ago (and made it possible for a lot of independent rap record labels to make it) and expanded his empire to a number of money making ventures. He capitalized on CDs when they were cheap and popular and moved that money into movies and sports and a whole bunch of other money making ventures. His rapping was ok, but his business moves are legit. 

  7. Can we go back to the announcement that only one drop box per county is allowed? How the fuck is that legal? And last minute the night before early voting. Fuck the GOP and their bullshit voter suppression tactics. Won’t be a few days until we here of fake drop off boxes popping up here too.

  8. 2 minutes ago, AngryDragon said:

    Voted in Allen today. Waited about 30 minutes. Was happy to see minorities constitute about half of the line. The GOP needs to burn in hell. 

    Which place did you go? How many booths available? Surprised the city hall building is not a early voting location this year.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Kelly’s burger stand in Collin county is pretty damn good. Not open Sundays. Sides are chips and a can of soda because they don’t fry anything. Just a flat top grill burger from the beef they raise on their farm.  Also best grilled cheese ever. They cook it in the beef fat on the flat top. http://kellyfamilyfarms.com/burger-stand/

    Non traditional burger that is awesome is the cowtown deluxe at kincaids over by Fort Worth, they have a couple locations, have not been to the original in Fort Worth.



    There is a Chevron out near Hawkins Texas in Wood county that has a really good hamburger. Like the best version of a Whataburger style burger you can get with just the right amount of grease. You’ll need a nap afterwards lol.

    2278 FM2869, Hawkins, TX 75765 

    ^^^I’m 99% sure this is the one but it’s been a few years. I can get it confirmed if anyone wants to venture that way. 

    Mr hamburger in Huntsville is also really good and has been around a long time. Only been there once as well but would go back without hesitation anytime I’m around Huntsville. 







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  10. On 10/4/2020 at 11:21 AM, ImissWallyPryor said:

    We have 4. Three are girls which - in our opinion - is more trying than the sheer number. 

    My wife and I agree that 0 to 1 was the most difficult (for obvious reasons), then 2 to 3 (we became outnumbered).  Going from 1 to 2 and then 3 to 4 were surprisingly easy.

    My mom was 1 of 2 (shitty parents...both of them) and my dad was the last of 5. He always felt like he was an oops! baby.

    The ironic thing about my mom’s shitty mother (who gave her up to her sister when my mom was 9 or 10) was that she eventually ended up in Cleveland and did some modeling on the side. The ad agencies thought she looked so much like the perfect grandmother that they portrayed her as such in an ad on the back of the Cleveland phone book back in the late 70s or early 80s. We rarely saw her as we grew up, so my 2 sisters and I always referred to her as Grandma Far Away.


    I thought one was easy and having the second has been much harder. No longer 2 on 1. I have two boys one just turned 2 a couple months back and the other will be 5 in a couple months. The younger ones favorite word is “no” lol.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, mdleast said:

    No. My wife took corn tortillas and cut them into Texas shape to simulate the Texas-shaped chips from the Haste Texas Nachos stand in the food building.  They tasted great!

    They look awesome. The whole spread looks good, but those chips look finominal.

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