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  1. https://www.hudl.com/video/3/14101835/66d4ad9a512ee2dad8fa2cb4 Potential #1 overall player. Just sick. If we hold onto him, I'll feel better about not going all in on Keelon Russell last cycle. If we can add Keys and Burroughs to Bell... that would be amazing.
  2. How the fuck does a WVU youtube guy with 4k followers have a sponsorship from Turbotax?
  3. If Baylor doesn't like it, they should just say no.
  4. What's Dave Campo doing these days?
  5. How does any list not have the Robert Parish and Kevin McHale for Joe Barry Carroll on it?
  6. I saw it on Facebook and assumed it was some AI generated clickbait bullshit. ROFL I am stunned. What awful return. LA would have thrown in multiple more first round draft picks, at least 3, maybe 4 or 5 more.
  7. Damn, I was hoping the Clemson guy would have a bigger role. Oh well.
  8. Choice is interviewing with the Cowboys.
  9. are we tampering with any place kickers? Fuck hoping someone good hops in...
  10. Ojo has a freakishly good frame. Nasty disposition but his movement isn't the best. He projects cleanest to right tackle. That's a first round caliber ball of clay to work with though.
  11. How many offers are commitable though? Some programs throw out offers like candy.
  12. I'm not sure we have to make a real offer or even talk to the player. We can probably have our 9.95ers put out a piece saying Texas is interested and going to make a run at him. That's all the leverage the kid probably needs to up his offers.
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