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Posts posted by RabidM

  1. 38 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    So you’re in favor of gerrymandering if it gives the Dems an unfair advantage? If so then you can’t complain about Republican gerrymandering that gives them an unfair advantage. I’m opposed to it when either side does it. Districts should be drawn fairly.

    I am capable of understanding the nuance of the situation.  I can be in favor of no gerrymandering anywhere while still understanding that gerrymandering Dem states is necessary until gerrymandering can be undone everywhere. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. It was the Democratic governor who appointed the conservative justices to the NY Supreme Court which led the gerrymandering failure.  If only 3 seats flipped through that failure, it does not flip the US House, but it makes it really, really close.  The GOP will have a 5 seat majority next session.  However, one would hope NY learned its lesson from that, but the Governor has now nominated this new asshole for a decade and a half term... What the fuck is she thinking?  Even if gerrymandering isn't her primary concern, this guy is a right wing nutjob hostile to abortion rights, labor unions and the rule of law.  WTF? 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. They didn't have their shit together and cost us the House in the mid terms. Now their Democratic governor nominates this asshole to lead the state Supreme Court for a FOURTEEN YEAR term?!?!  Isn't the state Supreme Court how their gerrymander got fucked for the mid terms?  New York needs to get it's shit together. We're going to need them to help protect our democracy for the next several elections at least.  FFS

    LaSalle’s history as a right-wing judicial activist is in direct contrast with the governor’s previous pledges to support abortion rights in New York.

    LaSalle was one of seven candidates submitted to the governor by the State Commission on Judicial Nomination, but in a Monday letter, nearly 50 law professors urged Hochul to not pick LaSalle to be chief judge of the New York State Court of Appeals because of his “cavalier attitude towards reproductive rights, hostility to organized labor, and a worrying insensitivity to due process.”


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