It has nothing to do with him being young. He doesn't play with any effort. He's not physical. He plays like a fucking pussy.
On an early play, Sam is running the ball and Epps is in the area... doesn't even attempt to help. He doesn't look for someone to block, he doesn't touch the pile... he just stands there and watches.
On Jake's muffed punt. Epps is a few feet away. He doesn't even attempt to make a play for the ball. He just stands there and watches.
On the interception, he doesn't come back to the ball or or use his body to shield the DB from the ball. After the interception, look at his "effort" in chasing the DB down. Spoiler, he just trots and watches the play. He's like a super tall Case McCoy watching other people do stuff.
He routinely gets pushed around by smaller players he outweighs by 30 to 50 pounds. He's a lackadaisical pussy. He's the opposite of the toughness this program professes to value.
I don't care if Collin is hurt. There has to be somebody on the roster we can put there who will play like they give a fuck.