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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. DP... but I'm not convinced we actually had him at first. Looked safe to me. Whatever. I'll take it.
  2. I think he is out.
  3. that's close. He came off the bag.
  4. Awesome job to come in and limit the damage. Great pitching.
  5. Coach Schiraldi! He throws a mean dodge ball and loved wearing pink shorts as the gym teacher. Funny guy.
  6. There we go Gasparino! 4-0 Texas on the double.
  7. Wind helped him some too. LOL, balk.
  8. Haven't seen it. I strongly recommend checking out the Korean options. They are very strong.
  9. big fucking K!
  10. that's a low bar.
  11. disappointing.
  12. SOOOOOO close to a GS
  13. LOL, awesome defense Santa Clara.
  14. decently hit ball, but right to center fielder. 2-0!
  15. Flores double! 1-0 Texas.
  16. Yeah, and all this former eastern bloc nations that ended up allied with United States have had a terrible time installing western, liberal democracies, and haven't created very economically successful societies. Nope. The US definitely hasn't been a stabilizing and empowering force for the betterment of those nations. Only the countries that stayed within Russia's influence have prospered.
  17. Let's be accurate: Annie wants Zelensky to violate Ukraine's constitution and hold wartime elections so that Russia can have Ukraine (while Annie sucks Putin's dick of course).
  18. So, if I understand the argument, it is: the rise of Putin, a strongman dictator, is the US's fault because Russia was poor in the 90s. And I'm guessing the fact that Russia has always had a strongman dictator essentially its entire existence is completely coincidental? Maybe, just maybe, it is ingrained in Russian society and culture to be predisposed to the strongman types? Maybe a society that has always taken a perverse pride in its ability to handle suffering without complaint, to simple do as your told, might just naturally bread leaders like Putin? Maybe a culture that adapted to constant invasion hundreds of years ago by itself constantly invading its neighbors simply does not know how to exist in a stable rule of law world order? Maybe a culture that views might as right was always going to be aggressive towards its neighbors regardless of what the US did Or maybe the past is completely coincidental and no other country has any agency of responsibility other than the United States. Annie, you should actually try reading about Russian history and reading actual Russian literature. None of these themes are new to Russia. They were there before the United States was even a thought.
  19. Complete non-sequiturs. None of that has anything to do with Ukraine, Russian aggression, or NATO. Putin rose to power initially as a challenge to Oligarchs before becoming one. Why you think that justifies Russian invading Ukraine, Russia targeting civilians, or the US ceasing support of Ukraine is beyond me. Actually, no it isn't. You are a Russian stooge.
  20. Sure, but what about with your girlfriend?
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