I agree, "every major bitcoin player" would be an exaggeration. Fortunately, I said "every other major bitcoin player".
Fiat-currencies aren't ponzi-schemes because they are used as currencies, not speculative investment holdings. No one is selling you on the idea that dollars are going to go up in value forever. No one is selling you on the idea that you'll get huge yearly gains by investing in dollars. That isn't why people hold them. For bitcoin, people want you to buy them so the value goes up. When the value goes up, they can sell for a profit (in dollars of course). They want your new money to fund paying out previous investors like them. That's a ponzi-scheme. Bitcoin isn't used for real (non-illegal) transactions, not in any volume that matters. And never will be because it fucking sucks as a currency. It is volatile and unpredictable. Rapid inflation or deflation of a currency is bad. And bitcoin is quite literally setup to ensure that both will occur.
Bitcoin may continue to go up for a long time. People get excited about quick money, and that is what Bitcoin sells (or rather what people who promote bitcoin sell). The market can remain irrational for a long time, so I ain't betting against it. But I sure as fuck recognize it for what it is, and you should too. It is gamble, pure and simple. At some point the house will win and someone will get left holding the e-bag.