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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Why don't all you posting and thinking you are being clever with the passive, aggressive cloakroom bullshit fuck off and sign off.
  2. What, you don’t remember the days where any and all information posted in Twitter was 100% true and accurate? You must be older than @Armybrat
  3. Not sure about Moore and Blue, but according to someone very close to Taaffe he is Coming back.
  4. Oh yeah, and it was a full on Choo Choo Customs dually that @closetojumping and Parker Livingstone would absolutely love to roll down the highway in singing some Alan Jackson tunes.
  5. A simple donation of a truck by my best friend's dad to the Jackie Sherrill Foundation in 1989 facilitated for him 1) A room in Cain Hall with a 6'10" Serbian basketball player and 2) A track scholarship for throwing the javelin. He couldn't spell javelin, much less throw one.
  6. Perhaps you will find her twin "sister" more to your liking.
  7. Oklahoma dime = Texas penny I hate what fucking drugs do to people...
  8. In case the too shy to share bug hits, here is what he provided to Penthouse Forums back in the day.
  9. Sorry you’re poor lan thieves. Enjoy the desert you will wander with Nebraska.
  10. Dafuq? I’m assuming you are trying to be funny through sarcasm.
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