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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. Leave it to this pedantic bitch to reference the CCG in 2018 as the 1st of 4 in a row, but not point out that we won the RRS in 2018. FFS man, spreading hate and discontent seems to be your life goal.
  2. Rational posts like this have no place on this thread. Take this shit to the cloakroom. Sincerely, Satya
  3. Well, Bizzle is surely in Canada with no access to the Internet at this point.
  4. You’re reading this Chin Pubes…man the fuck up, spit Manziel’s dick out, and post!
  5. I bailed on social media when the BS censoring started, but I am close to selling my soul just to fuck with Chin Pubes.
  6. I knew this was coming, but fuck these refs.
  7. Y’all are about to trigger the Lake Travis jocksniff that declared Garrett Wilson to UT. I have personal knowledge that GW was never going to commit to Herman and his dad thought he was a complete asshole. But, back to the program for LT guy to jump in all butthurt.
  8. I think it is safe to say that we are about to find out if Canada is now hooked up to the Interwebs.
  9. I keep reminding myself that it is never as bad or good as you think it is. But, that was a beating to watch last night.
  10. Let the QB controversy begin…unfortunately.
  11. TL;DR Will dominate Prairie View A&M and get skull-fucked by Bama.
  12. Career stats Year Team GP Min Pts FG% 3pt% Reb Ast Stl Blk 2020 Magic 46 15.8 8.0 47.2 32.2 5.8 0.8 0.3 1.3 2019 Magic 62 14.2 5.4 46.2 34.6 4.9 0.7 0.4 1.4 2018 Magic 47 16.3 6.2 48.1 30.0 5.0 0.8 0.3 1.4 Career 155 15.3 6.4 47.1 32.5 5.2 0.7 0.3 1.3
  13. Who’s gonna tell 6Figs his woman is….uhhhh….big-boned? I would, but not on social media.
  14. Yeah, probably not. I don't know what all these recruits look like and that that was the Sooner trash. Oh well.
  15. Could you at least wear a bra if you are going to venture out in public?
  16. More...and fuck the Patterson nut sniffer making this out to be a worse situation than Zach Evans. My interactions he was very nice and mature kid. He agreed to talk to the kids that I was coaching. That was after his sophomore year. He very well could of changed. The kids real family obviously lives somewhere else and home life most of sucked, but definitely the environment he was in, while maybe a bit better, was not ideal.
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