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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. Please let this happen. The internal rot will be glorious to watch in real time.
  2. Heard Lindberg is going to flip from GA to LSU. Don’t shoot the messenger, could be BS.
  3. I hate myself for not having you on ignore.
  4. He doesn’t have the length, but he is long you stupid sip.
  5. Easy bro, he likely holds a degree from LSU. It’s just wrong to make fun of those “less intellectually capable”. Hope that was politically correct.
  6. Ya, we’re arrogant. Most of us hold degrees from a prestigious university that offers degrees beyond “web-footed ancestries studies” and “I fucked my cousin/wife on the 1st date”. And we are a blue blood that will not disappear. How bout you beat aggy this year and teach your coach a different language than cookie monster.
  7. PHLaggie, you might want to reconsider posting some indefensible BS next time because you just got destroyed with facts bro.
  8. That’s before he gets his late-cycle BOMC bump. Play chess man, not checkers.
  9. Is this true? I am still wondering how the Hell a corner stares in the backfield and never recognizes a receiver running a vertical. Man, if I’m wrong...tell me.
  10. That hurts man, really hurts. Also funny af.
  11. Are we at least done with the “Chin Pubes is wealthy” narrative? Looking for a sliver of hope here.
  12. I have an idea...Let’s have Ossai blitz from 9 yards deep 3 seconds after the snap. Ya, that will be effective.
  13. A simple search of the tax appraisal for Chin Pubes in Collie Station shows ownership of a $264K home. Maybe that is Indoctrination Station wealthy?
  14. Where does this “Chin Pubes is wealthy” theory come from?
  15. For the love of God, please let me fail in peace. I am admittedly drunk after that shit show.
  16. FFS man, I am had to sit in the stands and watch that abortion last night and stay sober enough to drive home. Making up for it today.
  17. All over Twitter and a quick google search... https://www.boydsbets.com/texas-tcu-odds/
  18. Fair, but the line just opened up at -2.5 TCU.
  19. Does he still have the crooked smile and caterpillar eyebrows?
  20. We need a pick-me-up Blacklab. It’s time to release the full recording of the phone conversation with the Hammster.
  21. Never thought I would miss a bot, but Machinator you complete me.
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