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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. You think he is a Doctor of the Chiropractic variety, don't you?
  2. That’s some next level Satyanash there.
  3. Not necessarily recruiting related, but funny nonetheless.
  4. I nominate Satyanash to counteract every positive take with an even greater negative response.
  5. Can the Luicci 44 serve as the official ranking metric?
  6. She's all yours. I will stick with the tried and true Lady of Surly, South Austin's mom.
  7. One can only imagine how miserable the past month has been for Satyanash.
  8. We did quote you chin pubes. As it turns out, nobody cares.
  9. I could give 2 shits either way, but you would have a better chance of defending Jeffrey Epstein.
  10. So, who are we expecting to commit tomorrow?
  11. She also vanished when proven wrong. Come to think of it, she shares many traits with MeeMaw.
  12. The ‘ol $9.95er cage match...eeeerrrr....slap fight!
  13. I heard he flipped his “In Jimbo We Trust” coin and it landed on $EC.
  14. Because my give a shit factor with him is near zero, didn't ask...but will.
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