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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. Just passing along what I know. Where’s my $9.95? [emoji23]
  2. I guess he wasn’t repping Dawgs or Horns.
  3. Admittedly it's early, but I can't for the life of me connect these dots.
  4. I have some friends with kids that attend Clear Creek, so I will find out what shirt he wore to school today and report back.
  5. Yeah, you should both die in your sleep tonight.
  6. Did I miss the revolution against Bag Hag after the Broughton commitment or did she somehow avoid it?
  7. Hustle never sleeps....Pssshhhhh!
  8. Herman thinking about the hit piece FCB wrote?
  9. Sells real estate, but not enough to feed the children after Mrs. Hamm moved on. Platinum Pools...oh wait they fired him. He has a Faebook group that has propelled him to unlimited wealth. What’s up Hammster...You know you are on Surly stalking. [emoji23]
  10. Damn, you add so much value. I really need to take the time necessary to learn how to block useless cum stain posters like you.
  11. Forgot the bleeding vagina drama queen bitch, fwk, blocked me until this post. Hey Fwk, fuck off troll.
  12. No, because I heard through a friend of a friend of the coaching staff that he is seriously considering reclassifying to the 2020 class - He' s that good!
  13. If only Duverney were white, this all could have been avoided.
  14. Fuck you...No cloak room you steamy pile of shit.
  15. What's it gonna take...early playing time, feels like family, parents love a certain school, $-E-C, I don't know... What a tool
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