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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. Make it 2 hours for not respecting their/there/they’re.
  2. Saw Sam, Caden + company on Lake Austin today...All good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That chic gotta dick without a doubt. Wasn’t there a rumor that South Austin’s mom was engaging in frequent oral sex with TJ’s mom? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. What part of $75M guaranteed don’t you understand? There is no “getting away with” or “staving off the pitchforks”...He has aggy and their collective fake army by the balls. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Stupid sip - Jimbo gets what Jimbo wants!
  6. aggy could use some Herman alignment it appears.
  7. Do yourself a favor and put Futureman on ignore. You will be way better off.
  8. CTJ is 6’ 5” 265 chiseled pounds and swings a 12 incher for pure entertainment you commoner. I kid...I kid
  9. You earned a degree from UT and this is your take? STFU and stop exhibiting behavior of those from that diploma mill inSheep U.
  10. Blah blah...knocked it out of the park....blah blah...Texas will have to be in this one till the end...blah blah.... It’s all bullshit. Kid liked the visit and the players and was impressed with the academics. But, not impressed with the dorms, facilities, or food. The tree curse has been broken fellas.
  11. Hey midget, we all know you read this thread. Ex Mrs Hamm says she doesn’t miss you, your micro-penis, or your premature ejaculation. [emoji1303]?
  12. So fucking tired and not funny. Get a new schtick for fuck’s sake.
  13. There will be a great debate today as to whether he said “lookin” or “Hook ‘em”.
  14. Hood my beer...5.25” across and 4.125 long at 5’2.75”. -Taylor Hamm
  15. “He’s a run of the mill 5 star back”. Holy fuck, they have lost their damn minds.
  16. aggy mod sure seems to be slow banning his racist brother-in-arms.
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