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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. This fucking Aggy is relentless. Go fuck a sheep while jerking off one of those milkmen you shit stain.
  2. Blocked by FWK on Twitter...confirmed he is nothing more than a ghetto trolling street agent.
  3. FWK is a street agent whored out to the highest bidder (aka...Aggy). Fuck that thug!
  4. Hey Hamm: Gloves are off you pathetic piece of shit. You have proven to be incapable of holding a job (or a wife). On that note, Mrs. Hamm says “Hi”...well maybe...my cock is down her throat so I think that is what she said.
  5. He signed dumbass.
  6. Longhorn94 aboutta go ballistic on you guys.
  7. Think this is the right place for this.
  8. I’m not so sure. We (Vandegrift) played him in a playoff game and he was not schemed against and did not dominate. He’s not terrible, but I would have expected him to stand out more.
  9. Can someone post a screenshot of what 6Figs tweeted? That lil bitch blocked me.
  10. Just passing along something I heard recently.
  11. Is Garrett Wilson?
  12. Fuck that broke ass cone dancer. He is looking for some $$$$$....and if you think otherwise, you are naive.
  13. Scared of Jake Smith and/or Jordan? Bye Felicia!
  14. No clue wtf these last 2 posts mean.
  15. We got the one we wanted...Don’t need any Moore.
  16. Fuck off EJ.
  17. Yeah, sarcasm...couldn’t think less of him. Well, I mean maybe his soon to be ex-wife does but you get the point.
  18. It’s Hamm’s newest sock. He will have so much rep, crowd-sourcing off the board will be impossible. That Aggy mod will refuse to intervene and we will be stuck with that midget fucking up our sanctuary. Pos rep if you insist, but consider yourself warned.
  19. Will the Internets be working in Vancouver at that time?
  20. Username does not check out.
  21. So what's better/worse? A Lake Travis QB or a Katy RB? I believe the correct answer is "yes", but...
  22. Good Lord, just when I didn't think recruiting could get any worse....well, it can.
  23. I’m $ure you are $100% correct.
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