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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. I’m not so sure. We (Vandegrift) played him in a playoff game and he was not schemed against and did not dominate. He’s not terrible, but I would have expected him to stand out more.
  2. Can someone post a screenshot of what 6Figs tweeted? That lil bitch blocked me.
  3. Just passing along something I heard recently.
  4. Fuck that broke ass cone dancer. He is looking for some $$$$$....and if you think otherwise, you are naive.
  5. So what's better/worse? A Lake Travis QB or a Katy RB? I believe the correct answer is "yes", but...
  6. Good Lord, just when I didn't think recruiting could get any worse....well, it can.
  7. There is a void to fill the Best in the Biz spot.
  8. Can someone post some screenshots? Little prick blocked me.
  9. Yeah, this new district not good. The Klein Collins ream we beat last week was solid though.
  10. Ha! Just jackin with ya. Vandy is not a state championship contender...yet. But, school has only been around since 2010 and has had plenty of on (and off) field success.
  11. 12 points with 1,000 greater enrollment. Yeah, that’s no resistance? The 44-14 ass raping LT took against WL this year was borderline erotic.
  12. LT has 1,000+ greater enrollment and won 40-28 with a sophomore starting at QB for Vandy. You’re wrong, admit it. And pics?
  13. They literally lost 2 games this year across 3 Freshmen teams, 2 JV teams, and Varsity. This is as bad as your “Garrett Wilson is going to UT” take. Vandy is a very small 6A school and have advanced deep in the playoffs in 5A historically. And Surly demands pics of the girlfriend.
  14. Dude is a jocksniff sponge looking for a payout. Convince me otherwise.
  15. What’s the story with FWK retweeting this?
  16. If he’s really good, why would you hope he ends up at Bama?
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