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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. The gift that keeps on giving. I am way past this. Regain your focus and do what is necessary to not have @closetojumping make you look like the bumbling fool you are.
  2. Fair enough…my bad for taking every response as if it came from the dipshit, @BurntOrange&White, who is consistently more wrong than a broken clock.
  3. I am happy to tell you what I know and why…so you can be happy to believe whatever you would like. I did my undergrad at SHSU (MBA @ UT) and am a fraternity brother of Conner’s dad. I could call him and he would answer, but I am not at that point in my life where I need this drama. What I CAN tell you is that his dad is a solid dude and would never make excuses for injury, or allow his son to do so. Believe what you want but be careful with your passive aggressive bullshit post.
  4. Word is that rehab went well and he is a full participant for practice well ahead of the other QB's for the starting position. The question is not whether or not he will play another down (he will), but rather how long he will survive behind that O line.
  5. Happy to report that I instigated it. This BO&W character is a one-of-a-kind for sure.
  6. FFS...move on. You are devaluing my degree. Go to TexAgs or Sec Rant already. It.Is.$10.Fucking.Dollars.
  7. You sound mad. Sorry for pointing out the fact that you are at a point in life where you actively spend time to save $12/month. Point on the bear where life touched you.
  8. Moved to North Shore for academics? I hope this was sarcasm. If not, well never mind.
  9. We are fucked if he is going to be recruiting. #NotA5⭐️
  10. You seriously took the time to type every bit of this out as if anyone gives a fuck. Great, now some asshat will do Tyler next, followed by Lufkin.
  11. Are you trying to be funny? Or just an asshole by nature? Either way, fuck you and negged!
  12. Those are not the same. Not even close.
  13. “The french fry machine” is a weird way to say deep fryer.
  14. Can't wait to get @satyanash take on this...after he rubs one out to relieve his excitement.
  15. Don't you dare let these fuckers beat you down with facts. You pick your ass up and double down on your original assertion...and you do it with conviction! Now, go get 'em.
  16. This is the same shit for brains that looks surprised when asked for identification at security after waiting in line for 20 minutes. I choose to use the airport as a proxy for Wal Mart - a place I can visit and immediately feel better about myself.
  17. I will never understand the logic of just pay, and pay this other guy, and this dude is a stud and we have to pay him. At best, these are naive 30 something year olds still on daddy’s cell plan and car insurance. At worst, it’s simply pure ignorance and dumbassery. Either way, anyone considering posting such things should do themselves and everyone else a favor by STFU.
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