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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. Damn, the double negative really challenged my reading comprehension abilities.
  2. Cleaning up some cereal is inconvenient? No, I will tell you what is inconvenient- when it comes time for that child, neglected of the joys of cereal by you, chooses your nursing home and sorts by “priced lowest to highest” because he/she holds a (legitimate) grudge.
  3. Ok guys, here is what we know so far about @Sandbagging Steve. He's from El Paso, hangs out with Hamm, and is a fan of the Longhorns. Let the doxxing commence!
  4. @satyanash would like a word with you...In private...NOW!
  5. Well, his was a year or 2 before this...I give him the benefit of the doubt that no human is this inhumane. Tiffany Avery Smith, the wife of former Houston Texans general manager Rick Smith, died Thursday from complications of breast cancer. She was 49. She had been diagnosed with the disease in September 2017. Rick Smith took an extended leave of absence in January last year to help care for his wife and three children.
  6. They assume that his dad didn't play MLB at the D1 level and doesn't understand that the horrific O line and offensive scheme are having a very negative impact on his son. They also assume it is a foregone conclusion that he will return. They are equally as wrong on both.
  7. I also was able to be on the field before the Texans game. Long story short, my wife and MIL stayed at the Houstonian one weekend to get away and Rick Smith (ex GM) was pretty much hitting on my wife. She called me from the pool and I told her who he was and to play along while slipping in how much our kids love the Texans and have always wanted to be on the field. She did great - Administrative assistant reached out and sent us 4 club seats along with pre-game sideline passes. And before one of you socially awkward dumbasses ask for pics...yeah, fuck off (in the nicest way possible of course).
  8. I went down on the field during a game a few years ago when my oldest son was in school. One of his fraternity brothers was a Texas Cowboy and got me a badge to get down there. Of course, the area was promptly cleared when the drunk asshat inadvertently fired the cannon thinking Texas got a 4th down stop near the end of the game...turns out it was a 1st down for the other team. Pro tip, the water bottles by the cannon without labels are filled with vodka - stay away.
  9. Cat facts and cheese puns are bad enough, but you degenerates dishing out marriage advice is way out of line.
  10. CTJ has been adequately medicated for his multiple personality disorder every time we have spent time together. So, no.
  11. Can you all make your mind up...Is CTJ Greg Davis, EJ Holland, or Fong?
  12. Weigman has 3 years of eligibility left given that he is taking this as a red shirt year. And CTJ is on point with his comments regarding dad not being excited about the O line.
  13. It is borderline erotic how they just assume Weigman is coming back to play for them.
  14. Look, I don't know if you are correct or not on your assessment of the guy. But, you know who else is a cancer survivor? A simple Google search of "serial killers who were diagnosed with and survived cancer" was an interesting place to start.
  15. Why is this so damn important to you? I’m just curious at this point.
  16. You are sadly mistaken if you believe his agent wasn't smart enough to include the 'ol "but I only watched" morality clause.
  17. I saw a video clip with Acho talking about this play and he said that it was Derek Williams failure to communicate that resulted in the receiver being open. I don't know, but his explanation makes sense.
  18. You are obviously unaware that the said BJ Foster holds the single season record at not 1, but 2 FBS schools. Wait a minute, it is the missed tackles stat. Carry on.
  19. No clue why this shows up in ticket exchange when posted in "for sale" section??? Sorry guys!
  20. All of this Weigman's parents talk has a real TexAgs feel to it.
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