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Tree Fidy

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Tree Fidy

  1. During Covid I lived on LHN and YouTube (self-selecting the games I watched). Like a decade+ ago, I was happy again.
  2. Per Geoff Ketchum, he did the same at Pluckers...on Friday night. Hold my beer lightweight!
  3. I never comment on slap fights like this, but will you please go play with your kids or do some yard work?
  4. Wait a minute…you telling me there are computer-generated football teams worth $500M+????
  5. Being caught up in the holiday spirit is the only thing that kept me from saying what I thought, which was “Fuck you and your shitty takes until YOU become WE.
  6. Just checked and the GFM is up to $32K…the $60K goal is certainly doable.
  7. You are correct, but it appeared to be included in the transaction. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. @immamac any way we can donate here on Surly and have the donation go directly to the family without GFM getting 15% of the donation? I’m happy to help if so.
  9. Go take a look at the aggy screenshots thread.
  10. You sir, can STFU. Take another peek at his avatar and you will encourage more posting.
  11. If that is the case, a race to the bottom occurred.
  12. Not sure what's worse - staring into the blinding sun in this POS called Jerry World or the referee’s unbearable lisp.
  13. Vandegrift split from Cedar Park in 2012.
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