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  1. Yes, and Texas needs to make serious changes, new DC, OC, everything. Wish Texas fans were really tired of this shit, know I am.
  2. Neg again.
  3. Its time to be honest, Ok owns Tx. They recruit better, develop talent better, coach better. We suck. Have to pray Riley gets an nfl gig.
  4. Absolutely crazy, the Oklahoma vodo is real.
  5. Don't care what the score was, that was a beat down.
  6. TVtray

    The Damn Quails

  7. TVtray

    The Damn Quails

  8. TVtray

    The Damn Quails

  9. Leave it to some limp wristed snowfake like bolverk to ruin a perfectly fine thread.
  10. And were done
  11. Carrington last follow is a 2019 DE https://247sports.com/Player/Adisa-Isaac-46047325/?amp=
  12. Mack just building up ou so that win in the big 12 title game looks so much better. Mensa.
  13. Best Band in Texas
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