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Everything posted by Hondo

  1. Was going to mention earlier that something seemed off with GG. The ball is getting on him a little quick...like he's not seeing it well. He told LBJ to recheck his pitch call at least once, but I don't think they're getting crossed up. The ball's just getting on him...his glove is late.
  2. I'm just a "played 2 years of college ball before injuries ended everything and that was 25 years ago" nobody.
  3. 4 innings left and it's a 3 run game. If they'll sit off speed like I'm saying, we'll have the lead back by the bottom of the 6th. Their pitcher has a killer changeup, but that's it. His breaking ball is up and his FB has no run. He's making us look foolish because we're trying to hit fastballs that aren't coming.
  4. Stanford hitters have basically been told "if you see spin, do not swing." The zone is so tight and with LBJ's 6-12 movement, if it's spinning, they know it'll be below the zone and they're laying off. Very good coaching and good plate discipline. Gotta give them credit for that.
  5. Make him pick a changeup out of the dirt and throw out EK. If he can do that, then so be it. But make him. Put the pressure on.
  6. Surprised we aren't running more with as much off speed stuff as he's throwing too. If he has 1 or 2 strikes and has just thrown a fastball, I'd have them running since the changeup in the dirt is coming.
  7. O'Dowd K'd, but he had the best at bat so far. Sat on the first 2 breaking balls, let the FB go, fought off the change up...and then his approach on the last FB was correct (just fighting it off to get to the next pitch)...he just swung at a ball. If they'll all do that, then this guy has 2 more innings left and we'll have a 3 run lead.
  8. Hook, hook, FB...and now...changeup.
  9. Of hit and run here. Changeup in the dirt coming.
  10. Sit on the GD off speed. He's leaving it up. Fuckin' meatballs if they'll just look for it instead of the FB that he's not throwing except to setup the changeup.
  11. He follows the FB with a changeup every time and we look stupid every time. For fuck's sake, why are they not sitting on the off speed? He is not going to feature the FB tonight.
  12. They need to be thinking opposite field on everything. Will keep them timed up on the off speed stuff and that fastball isn't going to get by them. 93mph, but straight as an arrow.
  13. At least LBJ is throwing low. The way they're making contact, this could have been ugly a long time ago.
  14. Dipshit. Good for us, but that was a rookie baserunning error.
  15. Same to GG. Breaking ball, FB, changeup, back to the hook.
  16. And DC sat on the first pitch breaking ball. Well done.
  17. Exactly as I thought. Hook, FB, changeup.
  18. Tree pitcher going to mix it up the 2nd time through the lineup. Will still probably pitch them backwards, but with that hook instead of the changeup. Still need to sit offspeed and fight off the fastball.
  19. Would have been on the run. Ball was hit way too hard for him to have time to get there for a throw from 2nd.
  20. ~60 pitches in and no outs in the 3rd. This luck isn't gonna hold for long. Wheels are going to come off if they don't get this handled pronto. They're gonna chase him by the 5th at this rate.
  21. The guy's fastball is pretty straight. They need to sit changeup and make him beat them with fastballs (that they should be able to fight off). They're not going to touch that change up unless they're specifically looking for it.
  22. More OF collisions ... Stanford's signature move.
  23. He's had 50 pitches worth of practice.
  24. Yup. Holding them to 1 run is good, but the pitch count is up. Of course, we're not running their pitcher deep into the count on our end...
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