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Everything posted by Hondo

  1. Jack O'Dowd up with bases loaded and 2 outs. Here comes the pop up.
  2. Go yard here, Flores. Pretty please.
  3. Of course we do all this with 2 outs... Can we get 1 in?
  4. Look at LSU's roster page. Only a handful of guys under 6'. They're back to Gorilla Ball. Pulled Tommy White from NC State...Crews, Dugas, etc. He went to a team he knew would give him 5+ runs every game, not a team where he's gotta pitch a shutdown CG to get a win.
  5. Do our guys know they can hit to the opposite field? These weak rolled over grounders on breaking balls are frustrating to watch. Go oppo and put some stank on it.
  6. Other than THAT pitch, Morehouse has good movement and looks comfortable. 3 runs down, 7 innings to go. LFG.
  7. If he read it last night, we'd be waiting for the USM/Tenn game to start.
  8. Hope this is Good Zane. His stuff in game 1 was f'n nasty. Unhittable. We have a shot if he brings it again.
  9. Take the fastball off the table. Throw the hook and changeup until the bullpen is ready.
  10. Fastball up. It was always going to cost him, just a matter of when.
  11. Watched every game on TV and a bunch at the Disch. I know we're light, but still... .178.
  12. We don't have a DH that can hit over .178? Also...when they're relying on off speed, you RUN. Just like that.
  13. The way he's over-gripping his FB, he probably will.
  14. Just play clean baseball and if Stanford beats us, they beat us. But don't give a national seed hitter's counts and free bases.
  15. Damn. Witt's changeup looking good. Hook is sharp too.
  16. Witt leaving pitches up. Needs to get them down in the zone. Up and in is one thing. Up and over is another.
  17. Glad to see them back in the classic uniforms. The only thing worse than watching them lose last night was watching them lose in those silly "cursive Texas" jerseys. Had they been in the solid home all whites, they would have put up 15 runs. No better uniforms in the country.
  18. "The other UT" making excuses before the game even starts? I see Tony Vitello's class is rubbing off on them.
  19. I hope we beat the shit out of them and there's no reason to. Are you always passive aggressive? Put on your big boy pants and be aggressive aggressive. I'd rather you tell me to fuck off than that sissy shit.
  20. Nice strawman. I said sit on the offspeed (changeup and breaking ball) and "fight off" the fastball. I didn't say it was "easy" - but yes, it is doable. I have done it. They had issues because they were looking for fastballs and getting changeups. They would have had far LESS trouble (not "no" trouble...his changeup was nasty) had they been geared up for it. Most of his fastballs were well out of the zone. The few that weren't could have been fought off (or hell, just taken...he wasn't using the FB as a 2 strike out pitch anyway), particularly since they were straight as an arrow and usually on the outer half. Any other questions? Look, the kid pitched a helluva a game. Of his 16 Ks, about half of them were 100% his doing. The other half were because our hitters had a terrible approach at the plate. The kid isn't Paul Skenes (who, BTW, told several Kentucky hitters what pitch he was throwing and they still couldn't touch it) and was totally hittable had they been looking offspeed/opposite field.
  21. That's because he went to the fastball in the 9th inning. The pitch he couldn't throw for strikes, rarely threw all game, and yet the pitch our hitters decided they were going to look for (whiffing at changeups instead) for 7 straight innings.
  22. Pitch 2 was usually the changeup. They were watching the 1st pitch belt high breaking ball and then swinging for the fences at what they thought was a fastball on pitch 2. Then he'd show the fast ball out of the zone (usually outside) and strike them out with another changeup. The changeup was the only pitch he had that was any good (and it was absolutely nasty). Everything else was to set up the change. And we fell for it inning after inning after inning. O'Dowd and Daly were the only 2 who consistently had the right approach (probably because they aren't power hitters who look for fastballs to begin with). Everyone else acted like they were facing Paul Skenes and looking to hit fastballs, only to be fooled by the changeup. It was maddening to watch. Zero adjustments made and we lost the game because of it. Nothing he threw was unhittable if they would have just treated him like the pitcher he is instead of looking for fastballs.
  23. Played at a competing school, but grew up loving Texas baseball and am a UT alumnus. Created an account tonight so I could comment on what I was seeing. My bad. Threw off the mojo.
  24. "The strength of this team is the team."
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