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Everything posted by Hondo

  1. Nearly 3 hours in and we're in the TOP of the 6th? I don't remember any challenges or reviews. A few pitching changes, but not THAT many. What in the hell?
  2. To be fair, he got absolutely fucked on 2 bad strike calls. 6" outside and the 2nd was low.
  3. This is what happens when you let them have facial hair.
  4. Yep. Preston is an unbelievable athlete and gritty as hell.
  5. We need to go right at Johnson and Smith. Both have 3 fouls. We aren't making shit from mid or perimeter; might as well drive and make them foul.
  6. Harmon didn't even touch her! WTF was that?
  7. Coach needs to be in the refs' asses. They let LSU play rugby all Q1 and now they're calling touch fouls.
  8. Imagine if we had a G who could shoot her ass off like Georgia Amoore. We don't have anyone who is a 3pt threat, so they just sag to take away the inside and mid-range.
  9. Had a chance to get 4-6 points out in front and pissed it away.
  10. Nah. He needs another year in college. At Texas.
  11. Flores should be on second base
  12. I thought we didn't do facial hair at Texas?
  13. In 15 minutes, he'll be fucking fine with it.
  14. I'm not gleaning anything from anything. I'm saying she reminds me of Jameis Winston. Big smile, enthusiastic, doesn't try to pontificate or bloviate.
  15. Booker reminds me of Jameis Winston at the mic. Speaks words with enthusiasm, but doesn't say much. 😀
  16. I can't stand Dawn Staley, but damn if she doesn't coach up her players extremely well. Her teams always seem to have that little something extra.
  17. Allow me to introduce you to the literary device known as the "rhetorical question."
  18. How could anyone not be a fan of this young man? Physical ability aside, his mind and attitude are going to make him elite. I've evaluated elite people for elite things and you see a wide range of mental makeup. Even among studs, you rarely see it at this level.
  19. Everybody is quicker than we are, especially on defense. They also jump. Harmon and Booker are the only 2 players we have with a vertical > 0".
  20. Crazy what a semi-mobile QB will do for you. Doesn't have to be Lamar Jackson, just a tiny little smidgeon of a threat to run.
  21. You left out a few posts, but all good. I will assume this is an olive branch and I accept. Enjoy your weekend, whatever that entails. Here's to next season. Cheers.
  22. No, he said "His recovery history from alcoholism is his biggest problem. He’s too lenient and forgiving when it comes to second chances because of how he got his second chance.." and you latched onto that phrasing ("problem"), I'm guessing, because of some emotional reaction. You've repeated "questioning someone's/Sark's sobriety" multiple times, so that's clearly your anchor. I said I didn't read/take it that way. I think your "questioning Sark's sobriety" is a straw man that you've latched onto. "The problem with/my biggest problem..." is pretty commonly used phrasing that doesn't actually mean the subject is a problem (in the negative sense). "The problem with spending the holidays with family is that I eat way too much." "My biggest problem with the holidays is I spend it with family and eat way too much." Does that mean that spending time with family is a problem? Is it a critique of family Thanksgiving/Christmas? Of course not. You overcommitted to what I think is a straw man, then you doubled down by acting like a douche, and now you can't gracefully back out of it. I offered a polite "agree to disagree" and you couldn't even take that; you had to come back with a snarky comment. You're a lightweight and that's what lightweights do. I was polite, you didn't take the olive branch, so now I'm not going to be polite anymore. I've got a flight to catch, but if you want me to slap you around a little bit more, I've got a few minutes.
  23. It looks like you're dead set on it, so don't let me stand in your way. Carry on.
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