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Everything posted by Spottieottiedopaliscious

  1. Also, before this account goes to Valhalla, I still think Riot Leaps are a good way to capitalize in the normie market over the next two years. I’ve bought a bunch of Jan 2025 calls. Good luck everyone!
  2. I’m not sure what Daily Wire thing I posted. But you should definitely Stan for the Covid vaccine. Are you up to date on the bivalent booster? There’s literally no downside to getting them, you should stay on it. Good job sharing whenever I post though. 🫡 Have a good evening. I bid you adieu. From a land far far away, with a prettier view than you’re used to.
  3. 30k. You love to see it. Must be due to the Blackrock ETF application. People seeing it as a green light. We’ll see.
  4. Absolutely. Would you like other guys pointing out Hotez deficiencies? It was actually more about Hotez but whatever? Why stick around? All the constructive back and forth? My posts are limited.
  5. This is funny. Some kind of clumsy SEC op?
  6. Also, Yellen with some interesting comments the other day. You don’t expect this from the Treasury Secretary. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/dedollarization-dollar-dominance-janet-yellen-usd-global-reserve-share-decline-2023-6 "We should expect over time a gradually increased share of other assets in reserve holdings of countries — a natural desire to diversify," she said. "But the dollar is far and away the dominant reserve asset." USD global share of reserves dropped 8% in 2022.
  7. This is interesting. Several spot ETFs have been denied, but Blackrock is well connected behemoth. With my tinfoil hat on just right I see the play as this. It’s clear bitcoin isn’t going anywhere and can’t be rekt by the government like the rest of crypto. So you first wipe out crypto (in US). Then you approve spot ETF with biggest, most WEF/govt aligned asset manager. As people buy that “safe” instrument, the ETF (and thus Blackrock) acquire massive amounts of bitcoin thereby limiting the amount of actual bitcoin people hold themselves. Then actual usage and movement of bitcoin would be limited. A pretty solid state attack on bitcoin. I expect approval. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/blackrock-close-filing-bitcoin-etf-coindesk-2023-06-15/
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