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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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About Carl Spackler

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  1. Baby clothes. This place has got everything.
  2. Christ on a cracker, what the fuck am I reading here?? Beating on pans with a mallet and a two-by-four? There is not a pan in the fucking world that is worth going to that amount of trouble, and I'm including my cast iron stuff that I love.
  3. All this game is doing is pissing me off by causing me to think about how Texas would have beat these couch-burning jackoffs ten days ago if just 2 or 3 plays had been different.
  4. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/43494885/texans-coach-kris-boyd-push-assistant-not-disrespectful Oh, no -- not disrespectful at all. Lulz.
  5. It doesn't see much activity, but maybe you can rev things up a bit over there. I prefer the usual taste profiles of bourbon (e.g., vanilla, honey, caramel, cinnamon, etc.) over those of scotch or Irish whiskey, so my cabinet has far more bourbon than other types of whiskies. But every so often I'll pull the cork on some Irish or scotch, esp. when the weather is colder. A pour of Redbreast with a pint of Guinness is pretty damn fine.
  6. That's a room with talent, but it's a completely unproven room and the biggest question mark on the team IMO outside of "Can Arch be the man?" This position group is even more unproven and inexperienced than the TE group at the start of the '24 season, which is saying something. Fingers crossed that someone like Washington can step up and be something of a revelation like Helm was this past season, but at this point we really don't know if any of these guys will be able to perform (esp. in terms of run blocking) at an acceptable level.
  7. Bumpity bump for restaurant recs. It's looking like we'll probably end up in Arlington near the Courthouse station for our trip in May. We've got a place booked in that area, but we can cancel without cost at any point up to shortly before our trip, so we'll keep an eye out for better deals or locations over the next few months. Now the attention turns to lining up some restaurants. I'll look back through this thread for ideas, but if anyone has recs I would appreciate it. I'm looking for something nice in D.C. for a celebration dinner, and also recs for places in or near Arlington (on the assumption that's where we'll end up staying). TIA EDIT: Got some great ideas from reading the thread. Too bad several of the D.C. restaurants bit the dust because of Covid. Could always use more ideas in the D.C. and Arlington areas.
  8. I don't believe they have to. It's a preference thing.
  9. That's Kelce's replacement, Jurgens, who got beat on that I believe.
  10. Pulling for Buffalo over the Ravens, but will root for the team that wins that game over the Chefs. Wishing for a meteor strike in Philly. Will pull for Washington over whichever team happens to survive the strike.
  11. Wait -- shouldn't the top one be a bottle of Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet?
  12. Look for increased numbers of visitors at VNP over the next several months. Lava geysers at Kilaeua. https://www.yahoo.com/news/eager-visitors-flock-see-spectacular-010755604.html
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