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A laid back, acoustic-driven little gem by the late, lamented Charlie Chesterman (former Scruffy the Cat leadman).
Not technically a cartoon, but I thought it fit here.
Negative Recruiting Your Own School: The aggy Screenshot Megathread
Carl Spackler replied to texifornia's topic in 🤫$9.95🤫
Comic Relief: Satirical Tweets and Memes
Carl Spackler replied to Hugo Stiglitz's topic in Cloak Room
Trump: “I look at some of these agreements, I’d read them at night, and I’d say, ‘Who would ever sign a thing like this?’ So the tariffs will go forward, yes, and we’re gonna make up a lot of territory." Uh, you. You signed the USMCA, you orange-hued chucklehead.
Have some rep for referencing the king of tex-mex party music. (BTW, Carrasco isn't Joe's real last name, so, yeah, he's not related to the infamous El Senor.)
I like side one of Morrison Hotel quite a bit. However, the second half of that album doesn't measure up, IMO, so I personally put it behind the debut, Strange Days, and L.A. Woman.
All the original Ramones and now all the original Dolls -- gone. New York kills, man.
He got an Oscar for Unforgiven and it doesn't make your top 5. That's a bold list. And, yes, French Connection holds up -- in large part due to a great job by Hackman as well as Roy Scheider, and an incredible car chase.
Another one that hasn't been mentioned yet (I only did a quick scan through the thread) is Get Shorty. Watched it this past weekend, and he was terrific in that as well. He was nails in pretty much everything he did. That's some weird news re: his death. However it went down, I hope he didn't suffer.
The mention of Ruth's career ERA and the reference to the fact that he apparently pitched 31 innings while with the Yankees got me looking around a bit, and I learned something. In 1930, nine years after he had last pitched in a major league game and 11 years since last pitching a substantial number of innings in a season, Ruth asked to pitch in a meaningless last game of the season at the age of 35. He threw a complete game for the victory and added two hits and a RBI. That's impressive.
So how did your syrup turn out in your estimation? As good (or better) than store-bought? Not so good? And has the quality improved at all since you started doing this and gained experience? I have a friend who makes wine with grapes grown on his property. His first couple bottlings were drain pours. But he's getting better -- his last batch was at least drinkable. I'm wondering if it's the same for you and your syrup.
If you're staying near Disneyland, that means you'll be down in Orange County, which is a bit of a schlep from Los Angeles proper and its environs. Unless you've really got your heart set on seeing Los Angeles and the areas immediately around it, my recommendation would be to spend most of your time at Disneyland and places in OC that are closer to your hotel. Otherwise, you'll be spending too much time on the freeways in traffic crawling up to LA and then back again to OC. You can carve out a day for going up to LA and checking out some of the sights up there, but if your plan is to make multiple trips back and forth between OC and LA, you're going to be spending a lot of time in the car sitting on freeways. Other posters have mentioned some good ideas for when you're in the LA area. I'm not as familiar with OC as I am with Los Angeles simply because I don't spend much time down there. That said . . . You're already hitting one amusement park (Disney), so you may not want to bother with another one, but FWIW my kid liked the rides at Knott's Berry Farm better than the ones at Disneyland when he was around the same age as your kids. KBF is down in Orange County. The lines tend to be shorter at KBF, too. You'll be near some good beaches, which are always a fun time for kids. Though it's been a long time since I hit an OC beach, Balboa peninsula (Newport) and Huntington Beach were fun back in the day, and I assume they still are. Corona del Mar State Beach and Laguna Beach are supposed to be good as well. If the weather cooperates, do a beach day, rent some bikes and/or boogie boards, etc. The kids will have a blast. There's the Aquarium of the Pacific and the Queen Mary in Long Beach, which is closer to where you'll be staying than LA, Hollywood, Santa Monica, etc.
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