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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Dumbasses. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2025/03/trump-administration-accidentally-texted-me-its-war-plans/682151/
  2. Go Gatah! (for about the next 80 hours)
  3. This might be the only time in my life that I'll say (or type) this, but I'll be rooting for Florida in the Gators' next game. Maryland doesn't deserve to be in the Sweet 16.
  4. As a fan of DLR-era VH, I enjoyed this.
  5. Probably would have been worse for you if it had been the kid singing that line, but I guess that'll come soon enough when she starts imitating dad.
  6. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    Yep -- there are some really good songs on each of the three non-Xmas albums they've put out since BEC stopped playing with them. (I haven't heard the Xmas one, so I'm not including it.)
  7. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    I never got that sense in any of the articles I've read about them, interviews I've seen, etc. They're pretty self-deprecating guys and still play a ton of shows each year. Their attitude is along the lines of, "We'll keep playing as long as we love doing so and people still want to see us."
  8. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    Daxx. But, yes, Rick did miss Daxx's birth because he was in the studio with Lennon and Bun E. Carlos. I'm a big CT fan and I love side one of All Shook Up. That whole first side is great. I don't think side two comes close to matching it, though. Just my opinion.
  9. I certainly think the Teeling Small Batch is worth the 30 or so bucks I paid for it. Didn't mean to throw shade at Teeling. It punches above its weight, IMO.
  10. Yeah, saw his post & that's what kind of prompted my post. No way I was posting about Teeling on that thread after he rolled out the 27YO Redbreast, though. LOL
  11. Necro-bump to say that I enjoyed some Teeling and Guinness yesterday, and am feeling the aftereffects today.
  12. We have a reservation there in May. Anything in particular on the menu that stood out for you? I know it's renowned for its oysters and raw bar platters . . .
  13. I think he's a non-scholly walk-on. About 6'4" (6'8" or 6'9" with the cowboy hat), and 230#-plus. Tough to move in the paint once he establishes position. Very tenacious -- plays with true grit. He's inclined to punch or even shoot people who insult him or act rudely toward women, so opposing players often are unwilling to challenge him. Very patriotic -- always stands at attention during the National Anthem.
  14. "Facing" one's death is not the same as actually dying. You need to watch the movie. But I'll save you the time. Start watching the linked Youtube video (which shows the end of the movie) at about 6:07. You'll see John Wayne's character is in the final scene, alive and well.
  15. The Duke's character didn't die in "Katie Elder," "The Searchers," or "Stagecoach." He did die in several other films, though, including the other four you mentioned. I certainly won't be surprised if X takes us down. The game is essentially a home game for Xavier. Xavier is playing very well entering the tourney, and they're very experienced, which usually helps in the tourney. Xavier is a slight favorite for a reason. In order for Texas to win (and possibly go on a bit of a tourney run), Johnson's shooting needs to catch fire again and someone else on the roster (Mark, Pope or Kaluma) needs to join him in going on a tear. Flame away.
  16. Gotta admit -- I chuckled. Then again, I'm a Lakers fan. [*runsandhides*]
  17. As long as it's the right blend of Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bent, and northern California sinsemilla, it should be alright . . . and the outfielders will get stoned to the bejeezus after the games.
  18. Fuck Trump. EOM
  19. And supposedly they're going to add Hargrave once the NIners release him. Haven't had much of an interior pass rush the past few years. Looks like that will change.
  20. Yeah, I was aware of all that. I just didn't know that he started a couple games for the Yankees in the 1930's many years after he switched to being a position player. He went the distance in both games and won 'em both. He was 35 YO in the first one and 38 YO in the second one. When he took the hill in the game he pitched at the end of the 1930 season, he hadn't pitched in a MLB game since 1921. That dude was just on another level.
  21. A laid back, acoustic-driven little gem by the late, lamented Charlie Chesterman (former Scruffy the Cat leadman).
  22. Not technically a cartoon, but I thought it fit here.
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