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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Opened a bottle of this recently, and it is well worth the $50 or so I paid, IMO. I'll have to explore the rest of Green River's lineup.
  2. I've heard that.
  3. [*WTFgif*]
  4. I don't really know what it's about, but I'll watch just about any PTA film. In.
  5. Yup, exact future times of aircraft takeoffs, drone departures, and expected time of first strike, etc. Anyone suggesting that this wasn't classified information (or information that should have been classified as such) is a fucking moron.
  6. It was a non-issue for those morons one minute after it hit the news days ago. That's the problem -- a huge chunk of our country is composed of imbeciles who don't care about objective facts.
  7. Nah, the only person who can do that is Putin.
  8. Classic Trump-ian response. 1. Deny, deny, deny 2. Attack/smear the other side. 3. Ignore the objective facts/evidence.
  9. Maybe this has been posted before -- I dunno. First time I saw it was today, though, so . . . Unfortunately, the video only captures part of the song and cuts off abruptly.
  10. At least Greenland (and Canada) will have advance warning of the attack. [*stolen from my Facebook feed*]
  11. Dumbasses. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2025/03/trump-administration-accidentally-texted-me-its-war-plans/682151/
  12. Go Gatah! (for about the next 80 hours)
  13. This might be the only time in my life that I'll say (or type) this, but I'll be rooting for Florida in the Gators' next game. Maryland doesn't deserve to be in the Sweet 16.
  14. As a fan of DLR-era VH, I enjoyed this.
  15. Probably would have been worse for you if it had been the kid singing that line, but I guess that'll come soon enough when she starts imitating dad.
  16. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    Yep -- there are some really good songs on each of the three non-Xmas albums they've put out since BEC stopped playing with them. (I haven't heard the Xmas one, so I'm not including it.)
  17. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    I never got that sense in any of the articles I've read about them, interviews I've seen, etc. They're pretty self-deprecating guys and still play a ton of shows each year. Their attitude is along the lines of, "We'll keep playing as long as we love doing so and people still want to see us."
  18. Carl Spackler

    Power Pop

    Daxx. But, yes, Rick did miss Daxx's birth because he was in the studio with Lennon and Bun E. Carlos. I'm a big CT fan and I love side one of All Shook Up. That whole first side is great. I don't think side two comes close to matching it, though. Just my opinion.
  19. I certainly think the Teeling Small Batch is worth the 30 or so bucks I paid for it. Didn't mean to throw shade at Teeling. It punches above its weight, IMO.
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