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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Ticky tack holding call. How can Helm be ineligible?
  2. What the fuck?? Half the offense didn't have the play.
  3. Sark getting outclassed in RZ. The delayed handoffs aren't working, Sark. Left us in a hole on 1st.
  4. JFC, Finkley. Terrible job. Just crash without regard. Left the edge wide open. Stupid.
  5. We are not tackling worth shit. Defense looks confused before snaps.
  6. Turned on Utah-OSU. Tim fucking Brando assaults my ears. Mute function engaged.
  7. Yes. During his remarks, Milley specifically referred to Biden with words of praise. See the link below. Trump also posted criticism of Milley last week (well before Milley made his "dictator" reference) on social media. The "dictator" comment was clearly aimed at Trump. And it applies. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/milley-swipes-trump-praises-biden-leaves-complicated-legacy/story?id=103597900
  8. 3 first downs and 21 yards of offense in the first half. Wow.
  9. Pukers get their first first down via penalty with 7:51 left in the 2nd quarter. Is that bad offense?
  10. If anyone thinks airport BBQ is representative of Texas BBQ generally, then they're morons to begin with and nobody should care what they think.
  11. Thank God for this thread because it reminded me that I need to start "training at altitude" to prepare for the next time Texas has a road game against the Buffs, Utah, Wyoming, or BYU, etc., and the nasty home team fans become unbearable.
  12. He could/should have boiled it down to, "He's going to miss the rest of the season." But he didn't because he knows he needs to give his sycophant subscribers a reason why he didn't report it earlier ("there was a chance he might come back before the end of the season"), no matter how much BS it is.
  13. That doesn't make me feel one bit better. Wait . . . which one of us is supposed to feel depressed?
  14. You're thwarting me in my efforts to make you feel depressed over the state of ISU football, and I don't like it.
  15. Yeah, but we haven't been rooting for our respective teams for just the past decade. Feel depressed now?
  16. I just assumed he was getting paid good money to go.
  17. "Two diffurnt seasons, ya stupid sip. App State coulda/woulda/shoulda won the NC last season -- they were that good."
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