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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Mid-20's to early 30's, actually. But your point still stands.
  2. *so much* "Get some!" [Fun trivial fact: The actor who had those lines was originally slated to have the role of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman.]
  3. The guy who wrote that song also wrote Go Cubs Go. He was a good American.
  4. Just the guy that they had just arrested and placed in the back seat of that vehicle . . . handcuffed . . . presumably after being searched for weapons on his person. (But after seeing the videos, maybe I shouldn't make that presumption.)
  5. That's gold.
  6. Actually, she asked the idiot male deputy, "Where, right there?" (referring to the deputy's vehicle) and it sounds from the video that he responded in the affirmative (plus he started hosing the vehicle down with gunfire), so she did get *some* information re: where the purported threat was located. The problems were that: (A) she got the info from a moron (she can be forgiven for that as she presumably did not know the guy was *that* much of a lunatic); and (B) she didn't identify a discernible threat before firing at the car herself. I agree with your statement that her reaction is understandable to a point. But I think both of us (and probably just about everyone else on this board) have problems with her action in the form of shooting at the vehicle.
  7. I can understand why the female officer thought that the male officer had been shot. There were several facts that made that conclusion understandable, not the least of which was the male officer yelling that he'd been shot. The problems I have with the female officer is that she didn't identify a discernible target before hosing the vehicle down with gunfire (which potentially placed persons residing in places beyond the vehicle at risk) and she came close to putting the other officer in a crossfire situation (and vice versa). The male officer's actions are completely indefensible. It's damned fortunate that nobody got seriously hurt or killed as a result of his lunacy.
  8. See, I thought that commercial was turrrrrrible. Different strokes, etc.
  9. KC is so fucking lucky
  10. McCloud knew the ball hit his teammate, but he's got to fall on it, not try to pick it up
  11. Best part of first half = minimal Taylor Swift cutaways
  12. My son gave me a shirt with that line on it as a gift.
  13. Hey, careful man, there's a beverage here!
  14. Only after you eat the peanuts out of my sheeit!
  15. Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? No. Have you?
  16. Yeah, Wind River was up there in '17 for me as well, as was Three Billboards.
  17. If TW is pushing it, I'm instantly suspicious.
  18. I probably should have at least mentioned The Revenant for 2015. Great movie. It got a little too metaphysical at times, but just the bear mauling scene and fight scene between Leo and Tom Hardy by themselves made it worth the price of admission, IMO.
  19. I kept one eye on the documentary while the wife was watching it and I was trying to get some work done. BJ is definitely in a lot of the archival footage, but I don't believe he was a present-day interviewee like Lionel Richie, Springsteen, Kenny Loggins, Cyndi Lauper, and some others. Funniest part of the doc was Waylon walking out when Stevie Wonder went off on his "we need to insert some Swahili words" tangent.
  20. These were my favorites (at least as much as I can recall), not necessarily the "best" as works of art. 2023 -- Oppenheimer 2022 -- Emily the Criminal [Banshees is a close second. 2022 generally sucked in terms of movies, IMO.] 2021 -- Belfast [2021 was pretty bad as well] 2020 -- Nomadland 2019 -- OUATIH/Ford v. Ferrari 2018 -- The Favourite 2017 -- The Post 2016 -- Hell or High Water [really enjoyed La La Land as well] 2015 -- Sicario 2014 -- Whiplash/The Homesman 2013 -- American Hustle
  21. Side note -- my understanding is that the families of the deceased victims as well as the other victims filed a civil lawsuit against the school district and certain school employees, but a judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2023. I've read differing reasons for the dismissal -- one article referenced governmental immunity and another one stated the judge found the alleged acts/omissions by the school employees weren't the proximate cause of the harm. That decision is currently on appeal. The victims had also sued the Crumbleys, but apparently dropped them from the suit last year in order to facilitate the appeal of the decision to dismiss the school defendants. I suspect the Crumbleys don't have much money to satisfy any potential civil judgment in any event.
  22. Band name is something of a misnomer. Nobody wanted to shag them, amirite?
  23. FIFY I don't mind any of their other songs, but the chorus of Zombie was nails on a chalkboard for me.
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