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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Thank you for posting this because I had not heard of First Aid Kit. That's a beautiful song.
  2. I do not really care where the first game with aggy is played, but now I'm in the "I want it to be in Austin simply so I can witness the complete Texags meltdown that will follow" camp.
  3. He wasn't paying her to talk.
  4. There's so much to laugh at in those posts, but one in particular caused me to chuckle out loud -- the ag rube who said he would prefer to have Bama as the chief rival. To the extent Bama even thinks about aggy (which is probably only in the week leading up to their games), how far down Bama's list of rivals is aggy? They would certainly come after Auburn, Tennessee, Georgia, LSU, Miss. State, and Ole Miss -- that's at least six schools off the top of my head that Bama considers rivals ahead of poor aggy. There are probably others that I'm not even thinking about.
  5. You need to be cheering for a meteor strike in that situation.
  6. The ags who claim that Texas hates aggy more than OU are confusing derision with hatred.
  7. Yep. I didn't like a single one of the characters. And I still watched it.
  8. I suspect that the following phrase that was once applied to Jack-in-the-Box tacos in a newspaper article also aptly describes the so-called Denver Sandwich: "Vile and amazing."
  9. Watching as much of Band of Brothers as I can while I do shit around the house, and I'm recognizing and appreciating the sacrifices that so many made.
  10. Would be interested in reading a rundown of your 300 miles, your gear, your thoughts about what went right and what went wrong, etc., etc.
  11. Helluva job by Stroman
  12. aggy has a 5-5 conference record against Ole Miss since joining the SEC and a 5-6 record against klan aggy. (There's a difference in the number of games aggy has played against the two schools because the 2020 game against Ole Miss got canceled, but aggy did play MSU that season.) aggy beat both Mississippi schools in Jimbo's second year as HC (2019). The ags also beat both Mississippi schools in Sumlin's first two seasons. But aggy hasn't beat a Mississippi school since the 2020 covid season. They're 0-4 in the last four games. MSU has a multi-year starter returning at QB and has won at College Station two of the last three times they've played there. I think it's pretty foolish of any aggy to think that game is an automatic win, but then again "foolish" and "aggy" are basically synonymous.
  13. Caught the documentary last night, and it's very good. Would have liked to have heard a little more about his Buffalo days & his wanderings before he got to SF, but the filmmaker only had so much time. PC's explanation for one of the reasons the Nerves didn't make it was interesting. Said their music was too edgy for the older folks/hippies, but Collins wanted them to wear suits, which didn't go over well with the punks. So they were basically shunned by everyone. LOL I also would have liked to have heard from his Plimsouls bandmates. I have no idea what kind of relationship Pete has with the other guys these days. At one point in the film, Jack Lee makes a crack about Pete probably being on the outs with Eddie Munoz. I think he was joking, but I wonder if there's some truth to it. I thought it was interesting that they put Lee on the screen quite a bit, but Paul Collins is only on for about five seconds. And the footage from the studio of Lady Blackbird and Chris Pierce doing "Two Angels" is fantastic.
  14. Damn fine filly . . .
  15. Until today, Steele had been nails for the most part. He got shelled today, but that shouldn't really detract from an otherwise-stellar first couple of months. Stroman has been pretty solid as well. Cubs have gotten absolutely shellacked the last two days.
  16. This. It bears repeating that in 16 seasons in the Big 12, aggy won precisely one conference championship in football.
  17. Well played
  18. Give him time. Freese can play just about anything, but he's probably still settling in to an extent with the FF catalog.
  19. Yep, and "Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife" is about the murders of Bryan Harvey (of House of Freaks) and his wife and daughters, although it doesn't specifically mention him. I'd also like to add:
  20. For those of you who, like me, love the music of the Plimsouls and Peter Case as a solo artist, this documentary is supposedly dropping tomorrow (5/23) on a bunch of different platforms, including AT&T U-Verse, DirecTV, Dish Network, and Sling TV. For me, the Plimsouls will always be one of those "bands that should have been huge." And as a songwriter, I think Pete is an American treasure. Really looking forward to seeing this documentary.
  21. This is an underrated post. Well played.
  22. What's going on is that they are aggys. Science cannot fully explain it.
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