I really enjoyed it although at times it was hard to look at which I guess it should be.
I disagree with some of the comments above about not really knowing much about the sides.
We know that the President was in his third term, he turned the military on its citizens, and his rhetoric in the beginning where he builds up to something being the “greatest military victory of all time” sounded familiar as well and conveyed a President who was lying to his people. If you contrast his dialogue with what unfolds, it is a fair assumption he is not telling the truth. The brutality at the end is certainly analogous to the fates of brutal dictators mentioned earlier in the film.
The other side is more ambiguous. Clearly, all guys in uniform were not created equal and some of the other war scenes involved people in civilian clothes.
It did leave some things for the viewer to fill in the blanks but not in an unfulfilling way like say a series that has an ambiguous ending.
Movie was really well done and the scary part is that it looked at the idea of a civil war in a way that was absolutely believable.
Definitely a thought provoking way to spend a couple of hours.