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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. Kudos for thread title. Made me laugh.
  2. I will always believe that team would have made the final 4 under Beard.
  3. Two things can be true at the same time. From my vantage point at Moody, we get pushed around inside because Shedrick is weak strength wise and Onyema shouldn’t even be on our roster.
  4. I don’t agree with this as the team has some obvious limitations, but yes, they should be better. I wouldn’t be surprised to eventually learn that there is some kind of screwed up dynamic with the players. I don’t say that for any reason other than just watching how they interact with one another and the coaches. Also, I’m not really sure that there is any leadership on the team. Johnson seems the most vocal but most of the time when he’s telling someone something they won’t even look at him.
  5. I’ve never claimed to be anything but adjacent to some people who are and that eavesdropping is one of my super powers. I left last night feeling comfortable he’s done.
  6. Obviously he had the DUI in 2021 but when you say he’s a “drunk” is it based on anything else?
  7. She’s a dem. She has a big following just not red hats.
  8. I don’t knowingly give my money to red hats if I can possibly avoid it. Been doing so since 2016. Pretty much culled them out of my life. It’s much nicer that way.
  9. It’s kind of like watching two armless guys fighting.
  10. As I recall, what he said was that he did not like to play the first games of the season on the road.
  11. He’s also a petty bitch. Two things can both be true.
  12. Actually look at the districts and how they are drawn. Look at voter trends by zip. It’s way more complicated than your simple math.
  13. I played on an IM football team with him a couple of times. I don’t recall ever speaking to him the whole time. But, I seem to recall him not appreciating me showing up to our games drunk.
  14. Well, that’s not the current reality.
  15. I give you all your points and respect even those I don’t agree with. But, the fundamental difference between you and me is that despite agreeing on some things, I fundamentally do not believe that these are good and serious people, they have proven to be untrustworthy, have no respect for the law, have proven to be willing to do anything to further their interests and do not believe that they are acting in the best interest of the American people. Not saying they are Nazi’s but people who are really dig them. So, in my opinion, it really comes down to whether or not you trust these people to act in your best interest or something even approximating that? If you do, that’s cool. But I’m not going to apologize for thinking that opinion is really fucked up.
  16. We are so fucked. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/trump-congress-political-violence
  17. Same thing with Palestinian protests. All that shit came from Twitter.
  18. Parents dropped me off once when it was Revival Week. Five straight days of country preaching and music like you described. Showed some scary ass films saying that 5/7 natural disasters had occurred which signaled the end times. I also remember some talk of women going to hell for wearing pants.
  19. DEVO predicted it. God damn Dylan’s of Gen X.
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