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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. I was at the game tonight. Without our big men we were overmatched. A lot of shots did not fall that normally do. If we can get healthy and integrate Disu I’m hopeful but cautious. We are not last years team playing D and despite it being an unpopular opinion I’m not sold on Haith.
  2. Im not disputing anything you said but I’m telling you that’s why he made it so long. As and aside, I was at MSG tonight and every UConn fan said Marquette was going to be their toughest in conference rival this year.
  3. He was a super nice guy who just couldn’t make it work. Not the biggest sin in the world.
  4. Wonder what she looks like without the wig?
  5. Bumping this because I was really disappointed that Austin Access really sucked when I moved back. It was fucking awesome in the 80’s when you had nothing to do but get stoned and watch.
  6. We need to get better at free throws.
  7. https://twitter.com/MarkFreundTV/status/1724528050270855463/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1724528050270855463&currentTweetUser=MarkFreundTV
  8. https://twitter.com/MarkFreundTV/status/1724528050270855463/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1724528050270855463&currentTweetUser=MarkFreundTV
  9. After seeing him in person, Weaver is really fun to watch. I don’t think TV would accurately show just how off the charts his jumping ability is. He plays hard and I’m rooting for him.
  10. Interestingly, the intro video has been edited to show game highlights and cuts of the 300 lb rapper with his shirt on. Wonder who complained?
  11. So Patterson was going to give our signals to the staff that replaced him? No way. Risk his entire reputation to validate that it was an improvement for them to fire him and hire Dykes? Whoever believes that probably is on some drugs I’d definitely like to try.
  12. Apparently there is a significant portion of the population that is stupid, mentally distressed, racist and uneducated. Did that cover all the deplorable categories?
  13. Thanks. Now I can sing along at every home game.
  14. For those who went to the game Monday, who is the 300 pound rapper without a shirt in the introduction video? I could not understand anything he was saying other than the word Texas.
  15. Went to law school with that fucker and he was a huge pos then.
  16. You’re right. I haven’t watched an NFL game since the Cowboys hired Switzer.
  17. You are in a better position to know but this just seems absurd given he really hasn’t done that much in college. I’m sure someone would draft him on potential but it’s definitely not a maximization of his potential draft position. Good for him though.
  18. I don’t know but he gives me The Omen III vibes. Maybe the Anti Christ doesn’t need any money.
  19. In my day, a house putting up any kind of note denying candy would at least get egged.
  20. Nothing like the feeling of when you feel secure enough as a lawyer to fire a client. That discovery allowed me to practice law for @ 10 more years than I really wanted to.
  21. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100063754861609&name=xhp_nt__fblite__profile__tab_bar
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