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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. SRV at the Astrodome opening for The Who in 89. His set was so hot that Bill Graham brought him back out for an encore. Never seen that from an opening act before. I love The Who but this was the tour where they had the whole huge band. Who on Ice.
  2. Never have and probably won’t.
  3. I'm going to bump this thread again since I don't mind admitting that I am pretty much clueless about amps. The advice on the attenuator was spot on so I am going back to the well. As I posted above I have a 68 drip edge Super Reverb. I bought it a couple of years before the pandemic. It was in rough cosmetic shape and the original speakers had been replaced. Silverface but before they changed the BF circuit. Had it serviced and liked the tone but not the volume I had to use to get it. Now that I am using it more (thank you attenuator) I really took a look at the speakers. I have two of the yellow label Fender reissues and two of the Celestion G10 Vintage Anniversary. Now, I know that I hate how those yellow label Fenders sound in just about every other amp I have heard. Don't know anything about the G10's. The amp sounds kind of boomy on the low end and even clean sounds a bit muddy or fart like to me. My questions are, what do you think about that speaker combination and would it be a terrible idea to yank out the Fenders and throw in a couple of 8 ohm Fat Jimmy C1025's that someone gave me?
  4. I’ve spent a couple of days with the Mass 100 and the Super. So far I’m really liking it. I haven’t gotten everything totally dialed in but I think it’s going to be exactly as I hoped. Thanks for the advice. In case anyone is having some annoying hum with their amps, this power conditioner cleared up mine. Not sure what was causing it but it’s now gone. https://www.amazon.com/Furman-SS6B-Power-Conditioner/dp/B0002D017M/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_pp?keywords=Furman&qid=1691978780&sr=8-2
  5. That schedule is pretty disappointing. I’ve already donated the money for my seats so I’ll be there but not really excited about there not being at least one game that’s not against the Little Sisters of the Poor.
  6. I bought the Mass 100 off of Reverb this morning. The Super being 2 ohm really limits the choices.
  7. You helped me a bunch. Thanks.
  8. Thanks. Weber recommends the 100 for Supers so that’s why I was looking at it. I’m not sure if the next one down is 2 ohm for the Super. Good to get the opinion. I appreciate it.
  9. Anyone have any current experience with an attenuator for a late 60’s Super Reverb? I’m looking at the Weber Mass 100. I like the Super but I just can’t use it as much as I’d like. Essentially I’m trying to decide between getting an attenuator or just trading it for a smaller amp. Thanks!
  10. If this fucker would just die we might be able to take all the energy spent dealing with him that we might be able to solve at least one problem that would actually make life better.
  11. Hummingbird is a nice one.
  12. These are the stats that should be in every campaign ad and all that comes out of any democratic candidates mouth. But, it won’t.
  13. I kind of think that Texas democrats need to vote in large numbers in Republican primaries where there is a not crazy in the race. Of course there are not many Texas Republican candidates that aren’t crazy.
  14. Was talking to an insurance guy the other day and he said that they are already seeing rates go up. All in the name of “freedom” I guess.
  15. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/08/02/dead-person-found-in-texas-anti-migrant-buoys-that-mexico-and-justice-dept-want-removed/
  16. I remember being a teen in the 80’s and looking at the liner to Let It Bleed where it said something like “not to be listened to by anyone over 30”. I definitely understand that now.
  17. The LBJ library really puts on display evidence of government actually working domestically for people. We can’t get consensus to do anything of value now. His handling of Nam is the only exception.
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