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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. He had his head in his hands when I walked out with 30 seconds left.
  2. I still don’t believe that we pass the “eye test”. I guess they have lost all credibility with me. I’ve been to every home game and I just don’t have much faith in them doing much. Missouri played terrible the night we beat them and so did A&M in the second half. LSU is not good and we did what we were supposed to do. Not a huge margin of error for this team against any team with a pulse.
  3. Of course he will claim he is due a management fee.
  4. As I said in another thread, these people are not acting like they have any expectation of having to worry about being held accountable by the voters.
  5. When you are in the minority, according to a friend of mine that served, you are truly powerless.
  6. Just stop saying stupid shit. https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/51505-most-canadians-many-americans-oppose-canada-joining-us
  7. Do you get the feeling that these people aren’t too concerned about ever winning another election?
  8. Fuck her. She’s a nut. But, if you like your Director of National Intelligence to be a cult member who mixes the toenail clippings of her cult leader with her food, you do you.
  9. Yes, I said after next year would be the third year of a five year contract.
  10. Well, if they aren’t extending him next year after his third year of a five year contract why not get rid of him now?
  11. We got ripped off.
  12. What a nice tribute to him. My father passed thirty years ago and I still think of him daily. Strange that I’ve lived more years after he passed than I had with him. The first time something happens and you reflexively think about picking up the phone and telling him is tough. Hopefully you will rest in gratitude for the lessons learned, the love and the fact that you had him for as long as you did.
  13. We are not winning anything of consequence with RT.
  14. This. My kids were on campus then and literally every week I would hear something from them about Beard being at some event talking to students. He got mine fired up about going to games where as before they had no interest. I do feel some gratitude to him because by getting my kids interested, we got to have that in common and it was fun.
  15. I think the answer is a resounding yes. RT needs to go and take Haith with him.
  16. I think last year’s team and this years were both poorly constructed. Both needed better big men. To go into SEC play without better than Shedrick was malpractice. We get pushed around down low too much and suffer when it comes to rebounding.
  17. I wouldn’t like what it said about me if I drove one.
  18. I swear he’s got PR people working on it. https://athlonsports.com/college/texas-longhorns/fans-call-for-texas-football-to-bring-back-mack-brown-as-analyst
  19. So let me ask you this? If Terry wins a game in the NCAA tournament this year and has 5 NCAA tournament wins in 3 years will you still want him fired? Yes.
  20. Don’t disagree with your sentiment but there was nothing solid about that game. Most boring game I have ever attended. For long stretches both teams were terrible. We did outplay them in the final three minutes of the game. I do give them credit for that.
  21. I’m not sure but I do know we would be playing better defense.
  22. I think this is probably my bet if I had to make one.
  23. The whole arena less the student section are currently all season tickets. I would imagine there will certainly be some people dumping them. I am if RT is back. The only reason I’m even going at this point is that I have paid for them and I enjoy eating dinner before the game in Germania with a couple of my friends.
  24. It’s probably down to people like TJ Ford who will defend him.
  25. I don’t really see him playing much defense and he does not get to the FT line enough for me.
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