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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. Moved on to basketball. Those guys are hungry and play like it. No egos and seemingly appreciative of the fans as well as a head coach that does not suck.
  2. You know who throws the best parties during the session? The alcohol lobby.
  3. They are coming for the “legal” hemp delta 8 and 9 in the next session.
  4. I vote shithole
  5. They keep electing sacks of shit so a sack of potatoes should be no problem.
  6. And President McCarthy after they convict Biden and Harris at the same time.
  7. We are probably further along that path than we probably can perceive, but yes, the gasoline gets poured on it today.
  8. My mother for years would vote on the first day of early vote. I asked her why and she said “if I die before Election Day I want my vote to count”. I do the same thing.
  9. It was a nice run.
  10. Yeah, and only 25% will actually do it.
  11. Alcohol lobby is strong. That and just not popular with the hard core mega church going idiots that vote in R primaries.
  12. If you get a chance, listen to this entire album. I did not really understand what the fuss was until I heard it.
  13. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/wisconsin-2022-midterms-gerrymandering-redistricting-evers-michels/
  14. Better get used to it because these people are not going away and within six years may be bossing all of us around. I say this because it is obvious that D's have no clue how to combat disinformation and the fact that there is nothing R's won't do to win. Our messaging always sucks while R's will say anything. mean, the whole globe has inflation and ours is about the lowest in the world and the R's have not proposed one solution for it. Biden is the only one pulling levers (release of reserve oil). As far as crime, if you look at the top ten states with the highest murder rates, 8/10 are red states. Did you know that the city with the highest murder rate in California is a city in Kevin McCarthy's district? We have already lost the war due to our ineptness. These two articles articulate pretty much what I have come to believe is at least plausible. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/wisconsin-2022-midterms-gerrymandering-redistricting-evers-michels/ https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/sorry-democrats-texas-isnt-a-secretly-blue-state/
  15. All you have to do is watch Abbott, Patrick and Paxton commercials to realize how stupid most Texans are. If that shit actually moves voters then we are truly lost. No one does fear, racism and fake outrage like a Texas republican.
  16. Looks like we are giving up on democracy because of global inflation? Makes sense.
  17. The olds who want to return to 1950 like it that way.
  18. Quit trying to humanize Hot Wheels. He’s a terrible person. Always has been.
  19. I like how he waves to no one in an effort to look like people like him.
  20. How does it end? I guess when it mutates to either nothing or something that kills at or near the rate of infection.
  21. About as good a message as I’ve seen from anyone.
  22. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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